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西楚霸王 OP Avengers 2023 : Not sure if it even reaches 110, yesterday was a 7 percent increase. It may just drop today
西楚霸王 OP Ultratech : You are more likely to be handcuffed as I do not short sell. By definition it is slander
西楚霸王 OP Ultratech : Lmao a good and mature trader is defined by badges. Funniest thing ever heard
西楚霸王 OP Ultratech : What if I actually bought more than selling? You want to make a bet?
西楚霸王 OP tough Anteater_3756 : Not possible for today
西楚霸王 OP 105330192 : Why would I lose if I buy at lower price lol
西楚霸王 OP Warren Buffed : Wait and see Friday