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$NuScale Power (SMR.US)$ traded this stock (300shares each trade) back in sep/oct when the price was around 19-20. what it taught me is never trade the stock, own it and let time does the work.
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NVIDIA Q2 FY2025 earnings conference call is scheduled for August 28 at 5:00 PM EDT /August 29 at 5:00 AM SGT /August 29 at 7:00 AM AEST. Subscribe to join the live earnings conference with management NOW!
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What do you expect from NVIDIA's Q2 earnings? Will the company beat or miss the estimates? Make sure to click the "Book" button to get what management has to say!
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NVIDIA Q2 FY2025 earnings conference call is scheduled for August 28 at 5:00 PM EDT /August 29 at 5:00 AM SGT /August 29 at 7:00 AM AEST. Subscribe to join the live earnings conference with management NOW!
Beat or Miss?
What do you expect from NVIDIA's Q2 earnings? Will the company beat or miss the estimates? Make sure to click the "Book" button to get what management has to say!
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NVIDIA Q2 FY2025 earnings conference call
Aug 29 05:00
151639973 : I agree, I invest in various stocks having higher return % and most of the stocks makes me 200% avg YoY, I currently have 12 stocks and I never sold any one of them. Companies are there to grow not to go bankrupt but people think otherwise it seems.