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181246427 Private ID: 181246427
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    We will give away 500 yen worth of Amazon gift cards to the top 3 users who make the closest predictions.500 yen worth of Amazon gift cardswill be given as a gift.
    【How to Participate】
    Japan timePlease post your opening price estimate for Nvidia on November 22nd at 8:00 PM Japan time (e.g. The opening price is expected to be $500). If you have any investment ideas, feel free to share them! We also welcome your thoughts and comments on the November 22ndOpening price estimate for November 22ndPlease post your opening price estimate for Nvidia on November 22nd (e.g. The opening price is expected to be $500). If you have any investment ideas, feel free to share them! We also welcome your thoughts and comments on the earnings.
    [Earnings call]
    Nvidia's fiscal year 2024 Q3 earnings call is scheduled for November 22nd at 7:00 am Japan time.It will be held on November 22nd at 7:00 am.
    For Nvidia, exceeding analysts' expectations in earnings has become a habit.
    For the past 8 consecutive quarters.Exceeded sales forecasts,In 6 out of the past 8 quarters, profits have exceeded estimates.
    Let's check Nvidia's latest analyst ratings!
    To reserve the live broadcast of the earnings call, click here:
    NVDA FY2024 Q3 earnings call (subtitle translation)
    【Special Bonus】Predict the opening price of Nvidia after the Q3 earnings report and win a special bonus!
    2024年3月期 トヨタ $Toyota Motor (7203.JP)$ 第一四半期実績:営業利益1兆1,209億円
    $f-code (9211.JP)$
    They had come up with a medium-term management plan that seemed to be able to handle M&A goodwill payments, but at last they have begun to gain momentum.
    It looks like the smoke of a trend change has risen.
    The 50-day MA, which was resistance, has been exceeded, so maybe it's finally time.
    Looking forward to an upward correction 💪
    ⭐️ストレステスト深掘パウ。 『失業率が10%に上昇し、商業用不動産価格が40%下落』 本ケースで下記上位地銀も全行合格したとはいえ、Tier1比率が一見高いシチズンズは予想貸倒損失率は7.1%とPNCの5.5%に比べ高いパウ。 そして本ケースは今後起こり得るから設定されたという事も忘れてはなるまいパウ。
    181246427 commented on
    181246427 liked and commented on
    ⭐️ Pow is so obsessed with deciphering the minutes that are entertainment for economy enthusiasts every time... when Pow's older brother always reads it during his commute, he almost gets past the train stop. This time, by daring to touch on the full text of the actual minutes of the proceedings, I wanted all investors to be able to use what each of the investors felt for future investments, so I gave a great thank you to Moomoo, who has no limit on the number of characters to post, and I will post a Japanese translation with the full text uncut ‼️
    Well then, you can read it carefully in a stylish manner while drinking champagne from now on, or you can look at it at a cafe on the weekend, so please enjoy it, Pow. I'm definitely waiting for your feedback Pow ‼️
    ⬇️ Full summary of the May FOMC meeting
    Federal Open Market Committee Meeting Minutes May 2-3, 2023
    The joint meeting between the Federal Open Market Committee and the Federal Reserve Board was held at the General Affairs Office from 10:00 a.m. on 2023/5/2 (Tuesday), and continued from 9:00 a.m. on 2023/5/3 (Wednesday) 1.
    Jerome H. Powell Speaker John C. Williams Vice Chairman Michael S. Barr (Michael S. Barr)
    Michelle W. Bow...
    Period 2011/8/9
    Factors First downgrade
    The maximum yen appreciation of the dollar to yen is about 6 yen
    Interest rate on 10-year government bonds rose 0.9%
       30-year treasury bonds rose 0.4%
    Stock price NASDAQ -6%
       S&P 500 -10%
       Dow -10%
    Interest rates, dollars and yen returned to normal in almost 1 month, and stock prices counteracted the decline and rose
    [US Stock Forecast] Is today's index up? down?
    ※Judgment NDX※We are not responsible if it deviates
    Today's My Predictions: UP Me: 9 Wins 12 Losses Everyone: 10 Wins 11 Losses
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