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181269430 Private ID: 181269430
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    181269430 commented on
    Everyone, welcome to Moomoo's featured individual investors' investment experiences!
    This is the final interview with Mr. Tappazou.Part 1So, the investment history of Mr. Tappazo, who achieved FIRE in his early 40sPart 2Then, I asked him about the sectors that Mr. Tappazo is paying attention to, his current portfolio, etc. The theme this time is about Mr. Tappazo's specific investment methods.I will also introduce the 5 rules for choosing investment candidates for about 100 stocks by Mr. Tappazou.
    Why don't you use moomoo to try out the US stock investment introduced by Mr. Tappazou?Open an account and seize trading opportunities!You can check the details here>>Open a Moomoo Securities account
    Let's learn from Mr. Tappazou and aim for a “rich life” for everyone!
    ・Pursue investment efficiency, including how to use time
    ・1 qualitative standard and 4 quantitative criteria for stock selection
    ・Not only financial figures but also qualitative judgment materials such as press conferences are important
    Tappazou's Profile
    ・Advisor to US stock investors and investment management firms
    ・Began investing in US stocks in 2010...
    US Stock Investor Interview! 5 tips for choosing FIRE's Shitata Pazo brands
    US Stock Investor Interview! 5 tips for choosing FIRE's Shitata Pazo brands
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