I think there are too many cases where people are led from advertisements for SBI Securities. SBI's customer center said they didn't advertise, but there's no way they never knew, and even if they knew, they would go through without knowing. I'm alone in thinking that SBI Securities knows something.
のぶさん8000 : I showed my greed in an attempt to please my wife at 01010, so I was scolded.
のぶさん8000 詐欺師撲滅運動家 OP : Nice to meet you, my name is Nobusan 8000.
のぶさん8000 詐欺師撲滅運動家 OP : I pressed 2
のぶさん8000 : I think there are too many cases where people are led from advertisements for SBI Securities. SBI's customer center said they didn't advertise, but there's no way they never knew, and even if they knew, they would go through without knowing. I'm alone in thinking that SBI Securities knows something.