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西みゆか Private ID: 181409512
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    $SAKURA Internet(3778.JP)$ $Nippon Telegraph & Telephone(9432.JP)$
    These two stocks have been held for a long time.
    $Nippon Telegraph and Telephone (9432.JP) $It's been a bit slow lately, and I'm waiting and seeing if I'll buy it again~
    $SAKURA Internet(3778.JP)$You're getting on with the momentum. There will probably be no financial results commensurate with the stock price, but what is important is how much sales of high thermal power are there. As a result, expected sales values for GPU servers to be expanded in the future come out. Settlement is also pending.
    Long-term stocks: I wonder if they still won't sell now
    Large-scale capital investment plan for semiconductor factory
    It's not like we're looking at semiconductor factories
    Since regional core cities are attracting attention from the viewpoint of logistics,
    Land transportation such as trucks due to the “2024 problem” of logistics
    The possibility that labor shortage issues etc. will also be mitigated
    I'm just considering
    As a position to support logistics infrastructure, etc., it's truck transportation
    Shortage of manpowerThere is also a movement to resolve labor shortages by utilizing AI in logistics warehouses
    As it continues to flourish, the growth of AI utilization in logistics warehouses
    It is expectedThere is a high possibility that drone delivery will also spread widely
    We are considering AI companies involved in domestic logistics warehouses
    If you expand the range you can see the scenery, there may be an investment opportunity
    Large-scale capital investment plans for domestic semiconductor factories 🤔
    西みゆか reacted to and commented on
    This morning, the index began to decline all at once, with about 30 minutes left until the end of trading. NVIDIA declined for the first time in 7 business days.
    The day's transactions were greatly affected by positioning ahead of the quarter's end. According to the estimate shown earlier by Morgan Stanley, in response to recent stock appreciation, it is necessary to sell global stocks for about 22 billion dollars (about 3.33 trillion yen) and buy 17 billion dollars in bonds in order to return to conventional asset allocation levels for pensions. From Bloomberg.
    ⭐ Every year at the end of the March term, there is a slight trend towards profit due to rebalance. When 3/28 is over, it's a new fiscal year. I predict that it will enter a further upward mode in April 💪🔥📈
    Also, can you clear a large number of puts centered around the Tateama 930 💲!?
    Fight~ 🌈🌈🚀
    The table※ is taken from the US forecast site.
    ※Please use it as a reference only. It is not a basis for investment decisions.
    Regarding the sudden drop in the morning 🤔 2024/03/27
    円相場は対ドルで約34年ぶりの安値水準まで下落し、日本が円安を減速させる取り組みを強化するとの憶測を呼び起こした。 水曜日、円は対ドルで0.3%下落し1ドル=151.97円となり、2022年10月の水準である151.95円を割り込んだ。 しかし、鈴木俊一財務相が日本政府は必要であれば円に対して大胆な措置を取ると発言したため、円の損失は縮小した。
    投資家は、先週日銀がマイナス金利メカニズムを終了させたとしても、日本と他の先進国(特に米国)とのスプレッドは依然として大きいと予想している。 投資家は他国の高利回り通貨を選好しており、それが円の重荷となっている。
    日本の神田眞人財務副大臣(国際問題担当)は月曜日、現在の円安はファンダメンタルズと矛盾していると述べた。 神...
    ・フィンミン・スズキ氏、当局は「断固たる措置」を取る可能性があると発言 この表現は2022年10月の前回の介入に先立って使用された
    ・「これは新たなサイクル高値なので、介入のリスクはかなり高いと思う。そして、これまでの警告を考慮すると、もし東京が行動を起こさなければ、人々が(ドル/円を)押し上げることを助長するだけだと思う​​」 )今後数日で大幅に上昇します。」
    The rapid rise in electronic materials in Japan is amazing 🥶
    I'm worried about whether I should buy more
    As far as I can see the results, I feel like I still can't say anything.
    I wonder if the expected value alone has skyrocketed to this point...
    西みゆか liked and commented on
    The predicted value is around 150.35. The median price is around 150.19.
    The upward line was correct, but it was a price movement where the upper price was heavier than expected, lacked the strength of the rise, and if it went up, it was an adjustment. Well, isn't it the expected result of a passing score...
    西みゆか liked and commented on
    I wonder how far Soxs will go to cut ~
    The momentum is amazing every day, and it looks like it's going up a lot tonight
    西みゆか liked and commented on
    It would be great if you could buy Japanese stocks in units of 1 share with moomoo 
    西みゆか liked and commented on
    $Direxion Daily Semiconductor Bear 3x Shares ETF(SOXS.US)$
    No way 🙈
    Feeling like semiconductors are forever up?