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epsilon Private ID: 181451801
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    同社2023年1月期3Q(8-10月)決算は、売上高が前年同期比8.7%増の1528.1億ドル、訴訟の和解関連費用として計上された33億2500万ドルを除いた場合、Noon-GAAP調整後EPSが1.50ドルだった(前年同期は4.57ドル)。売上高、調整後EPS共に市場予想を上回った。ウォルマート米国既存店の売上高も同8.2%増と、市場予想を大きく上回った。食品販売が好調だったほか、Eコマースは同16%増と全体に寄与した。既存店の平均買い物回数は同2.1%増となり、平均単価が同6.0%増と増収に寄与したほか、会員制サムズクラブの既存店売上高は同10.0%増、サムズクラブ 会費収入が同8.9%増えた。利益面では、マージンの低い食品が好調だったほか、値引き推進で営業利益率が1.8%に低下(同4.1%)。一方で、値引き拡大を通して在庫解消が進み、調整後営業利益同4%増(60億ドル)となった。
    ソーシャルメディアとメタバース大手のMeta Platforms (NASDAQ: META) は、マーケットクローズ後に第4四半期の決算を発表した。決算ハイライトは以下の通り。
    ●Meta Platformsは、前年同期比4%減の321億7000万ドルの第4四半期売上高を報告した。
    ● Meta Platformsの第4四半期の1株当たり利益は1.76ドルで、ストリート予想の2.22ドルを下回った。
    ●フェイスブックの月間アクティブユーザー数(MAU) - MAUは2022年12月31日時点で29億6000万人で、前年比2%増。
    ● コストと費用 - コストと費用の合計は、2022年第4四半期は257.7億ドル、通期は876.6億ドルとなり、それぞれ前年比22%、23%の増加。
    1. 今回の決算に満足されていますか?
    2. この会社について、どのような意見や分析がありますか?
    Revenue from the S&P 500 in Q22 is expected to be 447.1 billion dollars (down 2.2% from the same period last year, down 3.6% from the previous quarter), and revenue is expected to be 3 trillion69.7 billion dollars (up 4.1% from the same period, down 0.7% from the previous quarter) based on IBES data. Facing a tough macro environment, there is a possibility that this year's financial season will end unexpectedly, but that hurdle may be low. In other words, there is a possibility that it will be easier for S&P 500 star companies to exceed lowered expectations if the year progresses.
    Leading companies such as Apple, Alphabet, and Amazon have just announced their latest financial results. In the case of Apple, quarterly earnings were 117.2 billion dollars, down 5% from the same period last year, and quarterly diluted EPS was 1.88 dollars. Alphabet recorded growth of just 1% in the fourth quarter of 2022. Amazon surpassed fourth-quarter earnings, but provided light guidance.
    It is very important to look at the financial results of major companies, which may affect the confidence of many investors and the overall performance of the market. Furthermore, future financial results reports will provide valuable information and may create transaction opportunities...
    Q4 Earnings Season Highlights: Amazon and Alphabet
    Apple has announced financial results for the first quarter of fiscal 2023 (ending December 31). Financial highlights are as follows.
    ▶️ Revenue for the first quarter of the fiscal year was $117.2 billion, the company announced on Thursday. Wall Street's forecast is about 121.1 billion dollars.
    ▶️ Earnings per share were 1.88 dollars, which was comparable to the expected average of 1.94 dollars.
    ▶️ Amid a tough macroeconomic environment and drastic supply constraints, iPhone sales fell about 8% to 65.78 billion dollars.
    ▶️ Sales in the rapidly growing service sector increased from 19.52 billion dollars to 20.77 billion dollars.
    ▶️ Sales in Apple's wearables, home, and accessories division declined from 14.7 billion dollars in the same period last year to 13.48 billion dollars, but iPad sales increased from 7.25 billion dollars to 9.4 billion dollars.
    - Are you satisfied with the current financial results?
    - 2. What do you think about this company and how do you analyze it?
    In the company's 3Q (July-September) financial results for the fiscal year ending 2022/12, sales fell 6% from the same period last year to 22.64 billion dollars, and adjusted diluted EPS increased 40% to 1.78 dollars, which greatly exceeded market expectations (1.39 dollars). In terms of sales, sales of the novel coronavirus vaccine fell 66% from the same period to 4.4 billion dollars. In addition to delays in delivery of COVID-related products to developed countries resonated, exchange headwinds (about 1 billion dollars) etc. were factors in the decline in sales. Meanwhile, the oral remedy “Paxlovid” for the novel coronavirus vaccine approved at the end of last year was 7.5 billion dollars. Sales excluding COVID-related products only increased 2% from the same period. In terms of profit and loss, the ratio of cost of sales to sales was 26.7%, a decrease of 14.5 percentage points compared to the same period last year. This was due to favorable changes in the sales structure, such as a drastic increase in sales of “Paxlovid” and a decrease in sales of “COMIRNATY.” Research and development expenses only increased slightly, but in addition to cost increases for “Paxlovid” and “COMIRNATY,” net profit only increased 6% due to an increase in provisions for US health insurance reform costs, the elimination of deferred tax refunds, etc.
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