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Mokuroo Private ID: 181504419
米国株大好きなモクロー🦉 $tsla $nvda $vti $ddog $edv $ko 等
    Google(親会社: Alphabet)の最近の決算で株価が下落した主な理由は、以下の通りです:
    - **広告収入の予想下回り**: 特にYouTubeの広告収入が市場予想を下回り、第2四半期の広告収入は前年同期比13%増の86.6億ドルで、市場予想の89.5億ドルを下回りました
    - **検索広告事業の売上低下**: 中核事業である検索広告事業の売上高がアナリスト予想をわずかに下回り、これが株価に悪影響を与えました
    - **クリック単価の低下**: 広告主が支払うクリック単価が9%低下したことも影響していま
    Tesla has been adopting a strategy to lower vehicle prices since 2022, but it became clear that this strategy did not necessarily result in increased demand. Therefore,From 2024/4/1, we will switch to a new pricing strategy and shift in the direction of raising pricesI did.
    #### Relationship with production volume reduction
    This change in pricing strategy was announced at the same time as the news that Tesla would cut production at the Giga Shanghai plant. Reduced production and higher prices indicate that Tesla is trying to avoid oversupply conditions and better manage the balance between supply and demand in the market.
    #### Relationship between demand and pricing strategy
    Tesla's previous strategy to lower prices was aimed at popularizing Tesla cars in the electric vehicle (EV) market and was intended to make Tesla cars more accessible to more consumers. However, the sluggish growth in demand despite lower prices highlighted the fact that simply lowering prices was insufficient to attract new customers.
    #### What it means for shareholders
    This shift in pricing strategy shows Tesla's emphasis on long-term profitability and brand value...
    エレクトロニクス業界、また世界のテック関連企業が最も注力し、技術動向の先行きを占う展示会「CES 2024」にて、 $NVIDIA(NVDA.US)$ が新製品を発表した。
    - NVIDIAはCES 2024で、GeForce RTX 40 SUPERシリーズGPU、AI対応ラップトップ、生成型AIツール、デジタルアバター技術などの革新を発表。
    - 生成型AI分野では、TensorRT-LLMライブラリとChat with RTXプレイグラウンドの導入により、RTX GPUが更に強力になった。
    - Avatar Cloud Engine(ACE)を導入し、デジタルアバターのリアルな表現を可能にし、ゲームおよびアバター開発者とのパートナーシップを発表。
    - Getty Imagesは、NVIDIA Picassoが提供する生成型AIサービスをiStockでリリース。
    - 新しいGeForce RTX 40 SUPERシリーズは、ゲームとAIのパフォーマンス向上をもたらす。
    - RTX Remixを導入...
    $TSLA surpassed 55,000 superchargers worldwide.
    The number of gas stations for major oil companies is as follows.
    ExxonMobil = 21,000
    Shell = 44,000
    Chevron = 20,000
    BP = 19,000
    $TSLA will have more supercharging stations than all of these.
    Plus, from an overall perspective, there are probably 1 million gas stations around the world (probably more). The beauty of EVs is that they can be charged at home, so there's no need for a million charging stations. It is needed only when traveling long distances.
    In other words, if every home had gas stations, we wouldn't need as many gas stations as we do today. Only when traveling long distances. Nonetheless, $TSLA continues to expand its supercharger station network infrastructure.
    Tesla will reach 100,000 supercharging stations faster than we think and will be at the core of the EV industry.
    BYDの第4四半期は94万2651台を販売し、過去最高を記録した。 55%が完全電気自動車(BEV)、45%がプラグインハイブリッド(PHEV)。
    BYDは2023 年に 3,023,679 台の電気自動車を販売し、2022 年から 62% 増加しました。約 52% が BEV (1,574,804 台) である。テスラは2023年に1,808,581台を納入し、前年の1,313,851台から38%増加した。 2023 年の累計販売台数では、テスラが依然として王座を維持している。しかし、BYD は 今後主要な EV メーカーであり続ける可能性が高くなるだろう。
    $Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF(VTI.US)$
    Mokuroo liked and commented on
    イーロンの人物像が垣間見える良記事を共有します。読んで来年からも $Tesla(TSLA.US)$ のホールド力を高ましょう
    有り金が底をつき、オフィスの水まで有料に…窮地のイーロン・マスクがテスラ社員に送った“一本のメール”「人類の未来のために…」(文春オンライン) - Yahoo!ニュース
    米国の大型テック株であるマグニフィセント7はAIブームの追い風を受け2023年上昇し、株価を見ると割高な印象を受けるが、2024年の業績予想を元にしたforward PERを見ると、 $NVIDIA(NVDA.US)$ が最も割安となっている。
    一方で来季コンセンサスがイマイチだった $Apple(AAPL.US)$ $Tesla(TSLA.US)$ は割高であると言える。
    The space development enterprise SpaceX led by Elon Musk is expected to reach sales of about 9 billion dollars (about 1.35 trillion yen) this year, and multiple sources have stated that this result is mainly due to rocket launches and satellite communication services called Starlink. What is the sales volume in 2024Approximately 15 billion dollars (approximately 2.25 trillion yen)It is expected to increase to.
    According to the source, Starlink in particular is expected to be offered in more regions next year, and this has led toThere is a possibility that it will exceed sales in the rocket launch businessThat's it. Thus, Starlink will account for a major portion of SpaceX's sales.
    SpaceX uses reusable rockets to provide commercial satellite launches and communication services, and has also contracted with NASA for astronaut transportation and supply missions to the International Space Station (ISS). It is reported that SpaceX's corporate value was valued at around $150 billion in this year's funding round.
    $Tesla(TSLA.US)$ I'm looking forward to synergies and IPOs.
    During the week of 2022/10/30 to 11/5, 0.014 million Tesla insurance registrations were reported in China. 🇨🇳
    This is down 7% from the previous quarter and up 39% from the same period last year.
    Delivery of the new Model 3 within China has been shown in numbers. $Tesla(TSLA.US)$