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PDCAを回せ Private ID: 182262362
何事もPDCAが大事。 この株取引でもPDCAを回して成長していきたいとの意気込みでPDCAを回せと命名しました。
    I intended to enter when the buying phase came again, but as expected, this is nonsense Excluded from supervised stocks.
    But the actual product is prepared at times like this.
    Goodbye Ford Motor
    I think it's temporary in terms of atmosphere, but since the entry went backwards, it can't be helped.
    If the buying phase comes again in the future, it is possible to re-enter
    Alps Alpine loss cut
    Loss cut
    There were no complaints about the entry. However, it's too late if you don't have any complaints before entering. Where was the first move? Do more past checks!
    j front rite loss cut
    The tip of my beard touched the stop-loss price that had been put in 13.62.
    Nonetheless, I think it's a temporary decline so far. There was no dead cross between the 5-day line and the 20-day line on the daily chart, and I would like to continue monitoring the buying phase in the future.
    Ford Motor Losses
    The weekly momentum is too strong.
    The daily momentum is also too strong.
    Maybe it's just temporary, but I think I'll try to get on with this momentum
    Kyowa Kirin purchase
    I wonder if the week has gotten a lot stronger. The only point of concern is that it may plateau due to the recent high
    The last 3 positive lines of the daily chart are rising to the right, so they are strong
    Both daily and weekly charts are strong, so it's OK to buy
    Buy Meiji Holdings
    Successful take-profit ✌️
    Rather, it seems that there is still room for growth from now on
    Golden cross between the 20-day line and the 60-day line on the daily chart
    The current state of the weekly chart is being formed, but if it ends as it is, the candle that breaks through the high price will be completed.
    Stocks I want to monitor for a while longer
    United Health take-profit
    buy order
    I finally got over a lump in the high price range today!
    Decide that there is momentum and place a buy order by leaning in tomorrow
    Of course the weekly chart is strong
    Alps Alpine
    Last week's weekly chart ended above the 100-week line. Maybe it's the beginning of a rise in the market.
    The daily chart also recently broke through a high price, so I made an appointment to buy
    United Hertz purchase entry
    First of all, they broke through the week with no complaints, so I decided that they were strong
    Of course, the daily chart is strong, and the order of the moving averages seems to be the strongest even now.
    Ford Motor purchase entry