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182422025 Private ID: 182422025
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    After the Market Overview, profit-taking with large-scale selling, then sold due to rising interest rates. However, it's a common occurrence. It's unlikely to break 140 dollars. It should bounce back today. It might be the last buying opportunity.
    This is terrible.
    Maybe it's because it's the day after Labor Day.
    $OSE Nikkei 225 Futures(JUN5) (NK225main.JP)$ $USD/JPY (USDJPY.FX)$ $E-mini NASDAQ 100 Futures(JUN5) (NQmain.US)$
    *Top 5 approval ratings as follows
    Lineup of rumored candidates for the presidential election
    (Support rate based on a public opinion poll on "Suitable person for the next LDP president" by Nihon Keizai Shimbun and TV Tokyo on the 21st and 22nd)
    <Candidates who have declared their candidacy>
    Taro Kono Digital Minister (7%)
    Takanobu Kobayashi Former Economic Security Secretary (8%)
    Shigeru Ishiba Former Secretary-General of the Liberal Democratic Party (18%)
    <Candidacy Outlook (Based on Reports)>
    Shinjiro Koizumi Former Environment Minister (23%)
    Yoshimasa Hayashi Chief Cabinet Secretary (2%)
    Toshimitsu Motegi Secretary-General of the Liberal Democratic Party (1%)
    <Expressed willingness to run (based on reports)>
    Economic and Industry Minister Ken Saito (1%)
    Economic Security Minister Sanae Takai (11%)
    Former Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato (1%)
    Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa (6%)
    Former Secretary-General of the Liberal Democratic Party Seiko Noda (1%)
    Pre-election survey for party leadership
    182422025 Set a live reminder
    $NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$ The earnings call for the second quarter of the fiscal year 2025 is scheduled to be held at 6:00 AM on Thursday, August 29, 2024 Japan time. This briefing It will be delivered in subtitle translation format.If you wish to watch it, "Reservation"button.
    The content of this live stream is provided with the subtitle translation service for the convenience of our customers. The subtitles are generated using Microsoft Azure and Amazon Translate. No explicit or implicit guarantees are made regarding the accuracy, reliability, or precision of machine translation from English to Japanese. We are not responsible for any damages resulting from the translation content. Please keep this in mind when viewing.
    Nvidia Q2 Earnings Call for Fiscal Year 2025 (subtitled translation)
    Aug 29 05:00
    182422025 commented on
    I have been asked to inform you when my spouse wants to sell NVDA.
    It is mentioned that you are considering buying at the bottom when you feel like selling.
    Damn it (・Д・)💢
    182422025 Set a live reminder
    $Meta Platforms (META.US)$ A financial results briefing for the 2nd quarter of 2024 is scheduled to be held at 6:00 a.m. on 2024/8/1 (Thursday) Japan time. This briefing sessionIn subtitle translation formatIt will be distributed. If you would like to watch it,“reservation”Click on the button.
    ◆ Precautions
    The content of this live show is provided by a subtitle translation service for customer convenience. Subtitles have been generated using Microsoft Azure (Microsoft Azure) and Amazon Translate (Amazon Translate). No warranty of any kind, express or implied, is made with respect to the accuracy, reliability, or accuracy of English to Japanese machine translations. If you suffer damage due to translated content, we are not responsible for such damage. Please be careful when watching.
    Meta 2024 Q2 financial results briefing (subtitle translation)
    Aug 1 05:00
    182422025 Set a live reminder
    The Federal Reserve Board (FRB) will hold a meeting to decide on monetary policy (FOMC) at 3:30 am Japan time on August 1st.
    Chairman Powell has indicated a cautious approach to assessing trends in prices and employment, and in the market,it is strongly believed that the policy interest rate will be maintained.The focus is expected to be on how the timing and frequency of interest rate cuts will be mentioned in the press conference after the meeting.
    The future monetary policy of the FRBIf you want to know more about it, don't miss this live broadcast!!
    This event isIt will be delivered in subtitle translation formatIf you wish to watch, please"Reserve" Click the button.
    The content of this live is provided by a subtitle translation service for the convenience of our customers. The subtitles are generated using Microsoft Azure and Amazon Translate. No guarantee of the accuracy, reliability, or correctness of machine translation from English to Japanese is made, whether explicit or implicit. We do not assume any responsibility for damages caused by the translation content. If you suffer any damage, we will not be held responsible for it. Please...
    Live broadcast of US Federal Reserve Chairman Powell's press conference (subtitle translation)
    Aug 1 02:30
    182422025 Set a live reminder
    $Microsoft (MSFT.US)$The earnings call for the fourth quarter of the fiscal year 2024 is scheduled to be held at 6:30 AM on Wednesday, July 31, 2024, Japan time. This briefing session willIn subtitle translation formatIf you wish to watch, please click the button."Reservations"button.
    本ライブの内容はお客様の利便性のために、字幕翻訳サービスによって提供されています。字幕はマイクロソフトアジュール(Microsoft Azure)およびアマゾン翻訳(Amazon Translate)を使用して生成されています。英語から日本語への機械翻訳の精度、信頼性または正確性に関して、明示的か黙示的かを問わず、いかなる種類の保証も行われません。翻訳内容により損害を被った場合、当社は当該損害に関して一切責任を負いません。ご視聴の際には予めご留意ください。
    Microsoft 2024 Q4 Financial Results Briefing (subtitle translation)
    Jul 31 05:30