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勇敢なケイシー_6392 Private ID: 182449721
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    $TENCENT(00700.HK)$ It doesn't go up at all
    That's enough
    I'll sell it tomorrow
    $SKY BLUE 11(01010.HK)$ It's going up
    Are you pushing the other way!? are you buying it?
    How can I interpret it?
    $SKY BLUE 11(01010.HK)$ According to the Hong Kong securities app Zhitong Finance App, Buck 1798 Group (01010) plummeted yesterday and fell 37%, and today it fell more than 50% and paused. Before the shutdown, it fell 50.4% and traded at HK$1.24, with a trading value of HK$5,542,400 and a total market value of less than HK$500 million.
    On the news side, according to data from the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, from October 19 to November 10, the main shareholder Zhongying International Holdings Group Co., Ltd. disposed of Buck 1798 Group 7 times. In total, approximately 152 million shares have been disposed of, and the latest holding ratio has dropped to 15.36%.
    It should be noted that in the public notice issued by Buck 1798 Group on 10/11, the company was informed by the controlling shareholder Zhong Ying Gui that it would allocate up to 209 million shares owned by the company. As of the date of this announcement, the share allocation of 209 million shares accounts for approximately 56.50% of the total number of shares issued by the company. It also includes all shares owned by the seller.
    I don't understand it at all even after reading it!
    Is this the rumored asset replacement?!
    According to sources, Buck 1798 Group (01010) temporarily fell 43%, fell 25.56% at the time of this paper, and the transaction volume was 81254 million Hong Kong dollars at 3 Hong Kong dollars.
    According to sources, according to data from the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, from October 19 to November 10, the controlling shareholder Zhongying International Holding Group Co., Ltd. reduced the number of stocks held by Buck 1798 Group 7 times. The cumulative decline is approximately 152 million shares. The latest ownership ratio has dropped to 15.36%.
    Furthermore, according to Buck 1798 Group's interim performance report, revenue for the first half of the year was HK$102 million, an increase of 133.2% over the same period last year. The net loss was HK$92.6 million, down 94% from the same period last year. The basic loss per share is HKD 0.25. The decrease in losses during the period was due to increased earnings in the yacht business.
    $TRADEGO(08017.HK)$ It's better if you sell it next week ⭕️ Maybe it's already crazy
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