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8マイルズHIGH Male ID: 182472852
2023年11月29日頃 インターネット上にて米国株式の若き師匠の薦めに従い こちらの口座を開設しました。皆さま宜しく😃✌️
    $Gold Futures(APR5) (GCmain.US)$ If both interest rate cuts and economic recession occur simultaneously while there is no trust in US bonds, the only escape will be Gold.
    Under normal circumstances, Silver should be directly affected by the recession, but it seems to be recognized as a safe haven due to inventory shortages.
    Historically, it is an astonishing understatement, and there are those who haven't noticed the low price of Silver compared to the high price of silver products, so it wouldn't be surprising if it explodes from here.
    In this regard, paper Silver may be worth too little compared to physical Silver, which raises the desire for physical Silver. However, a clear Global Strategy for acquiring physical Silver in Japan is typically SOLD OUT, making it hard to obtain. Silver tends to be cheaper than its weight suggests, yet it is rarer than Gold due to excessive demand from various sectors, it is too cheap to recycle and disappears after use, and it is not produced in large quantities.
    Although it may tarnish due to sulfidation, Silver possesses nearly the strongest conductivity and thermal conductivity, is resistant to corrosion, and is non-toxic (there are people who confuse it with mercury, but mercury and Silver are completely different elements. Mercury is not liquefied Silver.)
    That is why Gold and Silver have been my main focus for a long time, especially Silver.
    Despite the current market conditions, a bug has occurred where everything is showing a positive change compared to the previous day. It is likely that the High Dividend Concept is relatively stable.
    I am surprised myself.
    $SEALSQ Corp (LAES.US)$ It's going up ⤴️ but be careful with Short Sell after the lock-up.
    That happened many times too... like what happened to Tempus AI ⤵️.
    Last night, the USA market experienced an astonishing decline. The day before yesterday and the day before that had been rising towards the close, and I thought yesterday would follow that trend, but it seems to have sharply lost momentum and crashed halfway through.
    As for my portfolio, it's very small, but thanks to Short Sell, it is slightly in the positive. Right now, Short Sell accounts for about 5% of the portfolio. There is a slight feeling of wishing I had done more Short Sell, but it can't be helped since both Buy and Sell are difficult in the current market. Before going to bed, $Applovin (APP.US)$ I thought it looked like it would drop since it broke the bottom, so I was considering a Sell entry, but in the end I passed, and it indeed plummeted. I am currently practicing Short Sell while trying various approaches.
    The module to display the list of margin financing and securities lending has gone missing, and I am displaying them individually.
    And not only through margin financing and securities lending, I bought a little bit of stocks in Japan. This week I purchased extremely strong defense-related stocks. $Dmg Mori (6141.JP)$ and $Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (7011.JP)$ I bought it. Together, they make up 5% of the portfolio in a smaller size. Although I feel like it might be too late, it seems like there is a continuous Buy coming in based on the movement of the Candlestick, so Institutions are...
    Bear market
    Bear market
    Bear market


    高配当株は投資家にとって魅力的な存在であり、特に長期間にわたり連続増配を行っている銘柄は一層注目される。中でも、50年以上連続で増配を続けている「配当王This not only demonstrates a commitment to shareholder returns, but also indicates the ability of the company to adapt to the changing times and to continue to prosper.
    Stocks that have increased dividends for more than 25 consecutive years are called "dividend aristocrats", while those that have increased dividends for more than 50 consecutive years are called "dividend kings".
    Dividend kings have survived through various eras such as inflation, commodity booms and busts, rising interest rates, economic downturns, market crashes, changing investor preferences, and technological advancements. Companies that have maintained regular dividend increases while overcoming such diverse environments are highly valued. In the face of an approaching interest rate cut cycle, high-dividend stocks are attracting attention due to their unique income characteristics. In a low interest rate environment, high-dividend stocks offer investors stable cash flow and relatively stable returns, becoming a choice that can continue to win in the long term by overcoming cycles.
    Tracking the S&P High Dividend Aristocrats Index $Spdr Series Trust Spdr Portfolio S&P 500 High Dividend Etf (SPYD.US)$は...
    A dual approach of growth and the high dividend concept! The hidden power of the top ten "Dividend Kings" in the usa, with a year-to-date increase of over 50%.
    A dual approach of growth and the high dividend concept! The hidden power of the top ten "Dividend Kings" in the usa, with a year-to-date increase of over 50%.
    A dual approach of growth and the high dividend concept! The hidden power of the top ten "Dividend Kings" in the usa, with a year-to-date increase of over 50%.
    The overall market has a downward trend, and Dividend Stocks are undervalued.
    Moreover, for now, there seems to be hardly any presence of 'pumpers', so
    I will list some candidates for Dividend Stocks during this time.
    When buying Dividend stocks, list several candidates and research which ones to buy within your budget to receive more Dividends.
    Select the stock and purchase it using a Limit Order.
    $MidCap Financial Investment Corporation (MFIC.US)$
    ...Ex-dividend date is 3/11, the dividend is $0.38 per share, and the payment date is 3/27.
    $Evolution Petroleum (EPM.US)$
    The ex-dividend date is March 14, and the dividend is $0.12 per share, with the local payment date on March 31.
    $Spok Holdings (SPOK.US)$
    The ex-dividend date is March 14, and the dividend is $0.3125 per share, with the local payment date on March 31.
    As can be seen from the dividend amount, it is clearer to buy in multiples of four as much as possible.
    $Altria (MO.US)$
    The ex-dividend date is March 25, with Dividends of $1.02 per share, and the local payment date is April 30.
    $British American Tobacco (BTI.US)$
    The ex-dividend date...
    There are stocks that I call 'Exciting Stocks.'
    These are so-called 'trendy items' that attract a lot of attention and are soaring in expectation.
    Many of them are 'next-generation Technology-related.'
    Quantum Computers, Space Business, Voice Input AI, Biotechnology, etc.
    Technology may be wonderful, but unfortunately, the finances have not caught up.
    There has been no conversion from deficit to surplus.
    However, there are expectations from people.
    Therefore, the stock prices themselves are making flashy movements.
    Since being originally a conservative person, there are no such stocks in the current portfolio.
    But, they are never regarded as foolish.
    In the past, there was an instance of investing in one of these types of stocks.
    There were returns.
    However, there were also a few slightly bittersweet lessons.
    I had intended to write an article about this 'Exciting Stock' for quite some time.
    However, around the time I was preparing, that CEO who always wears a leather jacket made a certain statement.
    The lively atmosphere has become a dampener.
    However, even so, writing this article is because there is actually a demand for Single Option among these 'exciting stocks'...
    $Butterfly Network (BFLY.US)$ Since it is right after the public offering, I want to believe that there will be no significant changes in performance or guidance, good or bad. There is also a side where hims is dragging down, and I hope it returns to an upward trend after the Earnings Reports. If it misses, please laugh.