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nは小文字 Private ID: 182543861
エヌビディア 集中投資
    Unstable transactions continued $NVIDIA(NVDA.US)$ The stock price fell 1.7% on Thursday.
    NVIDIA's stock price began with a 7% drop, but it began to rise 2.1% in response to economic indicators that exceeded expectations. Amid geopolitical risks and valuation concerns, investors are moving away from mega-tech stocks such as Alphabet and Tesla, which are leader companies in artificial intelligence (AI), and recent financial reports of Alphabet and Tesla are also spurring selling pressure.
    NVIDIA's stock price is currently falling in 4 of the 5 most recent daily trading sessions. The company's stock price is currently down about 17% from its peak on 6/18. Is now the time to buy high-profile AI stocks?
    Can investors still win with NVIDIA shares
    NVIDIA is a stock that affects the overall performance of the stock market, and is the most influential company. The company's graphics processing units (GPUs) and other accelerated computing technologies have become the main platforms for enhancing advanced AI applications.
    Data center computing...
    $Tesla(TSLA.US)$ $NVIDIA(NVDA.US)$ $Direxion Daily NVDA Bull 2X Shares(NVDU.US)$
    The election campaign will be in full swing from now on, so let's prepare so you don't regret it ✌️
    Trump's aides are formulating the “Manhattan AI Plan”... in order to maximize America's profits from AI
    Hannah Abraham [original text] (translation: Ito Yasuko, editor: Toshihiko Inoue)
    July 26, 2024, 11:00 AM
    ・It was reported that supporters of former President Trump are preparing a draft presidential order on AI.
    ・The Washington Post reports that there is a possibility that this presidential order will lead to the “Manhattan Project” of AI military technology.
    ・The report stated that research on AI models and government agencies will be created to protect these from foreign forces.
     Supporters of former President Donald Trump (Donald Trump) say artificial intelligence (AI) technology “Manha...
    $NVIDIA(NVDA.US)$ Mag7's short-circuited investors have no profit compared to an expense ratio commensurate with AI! What I'm saying at this stage is true. Google in particular. But this is what Google's CEO says.
    The risk of not investing in AI is far higher than the risk of not investing in AI
    Since AI is a commodity and is the source of life for triggering innovation, the fact that it is directly linked to profit margins will be disgusted by short-sighted investors who cannot imagine AI as a form. But what solutions do we imagine there are?
    There is no doubt that Google search can run better advertisements focusing on individual personas if AI is used, and the cloud cannot be discussed without AI
    Also, with regard to robotics, advanced operation is not possible without applying computational processing of an enormous neural network to a data center and locally.
    Finally, for investors who are short-sighted right now, what is the meaning of AI! You're putting pressure on profits by putting only expenses on them! I started saying that, but no matter how you look at it, it only creates aggressive selling pressure. The future where advanced computation is always necessary is already here...
    Micron's business cycle
    As a memory chip design and manufacturing specialist, Micron operates in a cyclical industry. The computer memory market is greatly affected by supply-demand dynamics in last-stage target markets such as smartphones, data center systems, and modern automobiles with large data processing capabilities.
    Historically, Micron has experienced several periods of significant decline after rapid growth, which reflects an extensive semiconductor cycle. This cyclicality has the potential to make short-term investments difficult, but it is also an opportunity for long-term investors who can get through the recession.
    Micron's recent financial performance appears cyclical at first glance. Despite excellent returns over the past year, the fall in stock prices from all-time highs suggests that market makers are wary of the next potential recession. However, this decline does not necessarily herald the end of Micron's recent swing back into a high-growth region.
    Micron's business cycle
    From a historical perspective, Micron's business cycle is rising...
    What will happen on Monday and Tuesday W top
    The NVIDIA chart is in the shape of an M with W inverted in the upward trend where stock price movements are inverted. Right now, I've lowered it a lot from the top for the second time, and it's in the same position as the dent part of the letter M. If this is broken through on Monday and Tuesday, there is a possibility that short sales momentum will set in, and there is a possibility that it will drop drastically. Conversely, if it goes up, it might be a place to buy.
    nは小文字 reacted to
    Yen weakens due to falling US interest rates
    this country is really over
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    Break the spell of the box zone (Nagataboko)
    $Arm Holdings(ARM.US)$
    Trump stocks?
    SBG! ARM!
    Encounter with the gardener at Ginkakuji  
    When CEO Jensen Fan visited Ginkakuji, he was impressed to see gardeners doing their work. Gardeners are carefully working on each detailed task, and it is said that CEO Jensen Fan, who was moved by that attitude, decided to work on his work with the same spirit. After that, he reorganized his company's vision and values, and began to show an attitude of taking work more seriously. That event seems to have had a huge impact on his management philosophy and outlook on life.  
     When it comes to investing in stocks, it may be better to take time on your side and work carefully, so please accumulate NISA.