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182768935 Private ID: 182768935
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    The US Federal Reserve (Fed) will host the last FOMC of the year. From 4:30 a.m. on 2023/12/14 (Thursday) Japan time, FOMC statementsChairman Powell's press conferenceIn addition, the latest economic forecasts (SEP, Summary of Economic Projections) by FOMC members will be announced. Among them, I think the members are appropriate.”Distribution chart of policy interest rate levels (dot chart)” will also be updated.
    Among investors, federal fund rate (policy interest rate) increases continued to take short breaks, and the current federal fund target range has been in place for 3 consecutive meetings5.25% ~ 5.50%There are many people who think that it will not change from the level of Stay tuned for the live broadcast for more details!
    What is this eventSubtitle translation formatIt will be distributed by If you would like to watch it,“Book” buttonPlease click
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    The content of this live show is provided by a subtitle translation service for customer convenience. The subtitles are generated using Microsoft Azure (Microsoft Azure) and Amazon Translate (Amazon Translate). Machine translation from English to Japanese...
    Live broadcast of US Fed Chairman Powell's press conference
    Dec 13 13:30
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