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女将さん Female ID: 183353702
    $Arm Holdings (ARM.US)$
    I want them to aim for 170 again
    I'm expecting it
    There are a lot of people who buy the S&P 500 and Orkan, but after all, I like individual stocks, and I feel like I'm making my own strongest team that I've worked hard to gather. 😁
    Investing is scary and gambling.
    I thought it wasn't something I, who had been saving steadily, would do.
    But now I know it was a complete misunderstanding.
    Cars also have risks as they speed up
    There's a risk even when a kitchen knife runs out.
    but the one that makes them dangerous is always on the side that uses them
    If you use it carefully and correctly, it is many times more effective than when not in use.
    There have been accidents, and there have been incidents.
    However, there are only a few such things, and many others use them correctly and conveniently.
    You can't invest because it has been reversed.
    But things will be different from now on.
    People who use it correctly teach it correctly.
    I think that's going to happen in Japan.
    Financial inclusion.
    I would like to continue disseminating good investment information from now on.
    Do you know these words?
    [DOOMER GENERATION] A word that indicates young people in America who are hopeless about the future and are exhausted. Young people isolated from society due to recession, unemployment, and poverty. Young people who have given up on love, marriage, and relationships, are pessimistic about their future, and are hopeless.
    They are pessimistic and hopeless about the future of humanity, such as environmental issues, natural disasters, population explosions, war, terrorism, nuclear issues, global pandemics, etc., and apocalyptic thoughts wishing for the end of the world are also characteristic of the DOOMER generation.
    [Tampin Tribe] They are also called laid-back people, and in China, even if they are highly educated, it is no longer possible to get a job with good conditions. It is a young person who despairs of a society where no effort is rewarded, and lives a way of life away from consumption, marriage, and romance.
    In China, where large-scale demonstrations and writing on SNS are suppressed, it is carried out as one protest, saying “I don't want to do aggressive consumption activities,” “so I work the minimum necessary, and then lie back.”
    *These ways of life have come to be seen not only in the US and China, but also by young people in Japan today. They are probably young people of the generation called the [Satori generation]. Even at the age of 40, I can understand the way of life and values of the younger generation a little bit.
    People of the same generation don't need friends, get married...
    This is this morning's line. It was a comment below even though it was a fraud mastermind, so I received a lot, so please refer to it. This is how participants are deceived, aren't they? it's close to a crash! ↓
    Recently, several scam groups have been spreading information about scams in the marketplace, and friends in our community should be careful. Be sure to keep in mind the following precautions to avoid loss of your property.
    Fraud prevention tips:
    Our community will pay clear attention to you;
    1. If money is transferred to a personal account and a charge is required, it is fraud.
    2. The need to download trading software through a personal link is a scam.
    3. If it is necessary to open an FX account, it is a scam.
    4. It is all a scam where it is necessary to open an account to buy stocks with high stops or to trade outside of business hours.
    5. If a high return is promised and it is necessary to open an unknown virtual currency account, it is a scam.
    6. Investing in cryptocurrencies, FX, futures, and options is not recommended.
    Our community does not recommend opening a non-brokerage account. Be careful not to be fooled by fake platforms, be healthy and civilized...
    You will receive a message from the secretary. Does that mean LINE hasn't been shut down yet? 😱
    Even though LINE is forced to unsubscribe
    You don't spend money on things that are even slightly expensive, such as UberEats, but if it's investment information, you should use it even if it's slightly expensive. The more you have the ability to earn money by investing, the less trouble you have. There are times when just an idea is born by spending money, and you can earn millions of yen or tens of millions of yen. If you take yourself to great heights without being stingy about strange things, your life will improve faster and your level of happiness is higher. The problem is that there are too many people who make mistakes in where to spend their money. Oh, that doesn't mean you can't buy investment information that looks like weird fishing, that's not the case.
    We have been continuously calling attention to fraudulent acts and fraud groups, but recently there have been reports of cases where users are directed to external SNS such as LINE by means such as SMS or individual messages, and further fraudulent acts are carried out.
    Such cases pose a serious threat to the safety of many users' personal information and assets. Therefore, we will introduce in detail the various types of fraud, methods, and prevention measures that make full use of SNS such as LINE, so please refer to it.
    What is LINE fraud?
    LINE fraud refers to various fraudulent acts using LINE, and includes false investment projects, high profit guarantees, transmission of phishing links, etc. Personal information may be leaked due to these fraudulent acts, and there is a possibility that victims may incur financial losses, etc.
    What is a trick to defraud personal information?
    Break into a mobile carrier's partner server and obtain personal information via a malicious application or virus.
    Add friends on LINE and contact them via chat.
    Obtain personal information by impersonating an acquaintance or public institution and using fake emails, websites, etc.
    Let's protect your personal information! Fraud methods and fraud prevention measures on LINE
    Let's protect your personal information! Fraud methods and fraud prevention measures on LINE
    Let's protect your personal information! Fraud methods and fraud prevention measures on LINE