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183529617 Private ID: 183529617
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    $SKY BLUE 11(01010.HK)$I had high expectations, but when I finished it, this was it.
    It's kind of sad.
    I want to run away but I can't escape even though it's over 0.6 one more time next week or so and I can't.
    I don't want to run away with a huge loss, and I'm worried.
    $SKY BLUE 11(01010.HK)$I want them to jump up to about 1.5 instead of just 0.6.
    Still, it's sad that 08007's loss can't be made up for.
    $SKY BLUE 11(01010.HK)$
    Stock prices were sluggish in spite of a rapid increase in turnover.
    I have no idea how to make a decision.
    I wonder if it will happen with rockets.
    $GLOBALSTRAT(08007.HK)$ It's probably 1/20 of the price I bought it.
    I'm thinking of leaving it alone for a long time, if it's enough to turn it into cash. Even though it's already zero, it's reduced by about the same amount. The biggest loss of my life.
    $SKY BLUE 11(01010.HK)$
    It hasn't sold yet, but I want to reduce my losses.
    It's also scary that Dawn will step down when you're worried about how long to wait.
    I'm really worried.
    $SKY BLUE 11(01010.HK)$
    I want to run away, but I want to sell out somehow for around the original price.
    But 08007's unrealized loss of 18 million yen is terrible.
    $GLOBALSTRAT(08007.HK)$It's unimaginable in Japan for stocks to drop this much. Managers, really do something about stock price measures and restructure the company, and do something about stock prices that cannot be seen.
    $SKY BLUE 11(01010.HK)$
    It is being revealed why they didn't cut losses when they were 0.6.
    In the end, unrealized losses exceeded 20 million yen in total with 08007.
    this would probably be a loss cut if I were to watch it. It's really hard to break through.
    183529617 commented on
    $GLOBALSTRAT(08007.HK)$This is where the unrealized losses are the biggest
    If you add unrealized losses with 01010, it's roughly 20 million yen,
    I really don't have any money anymore. However, I don't have any trouble with my life.
    While I was worried about what to do with these reduced assets, it went down more and more.
    I wonder why they were fooled by the line.
    Even though there are plenty of people in the world who make a lot of money. My stomach hurts every time I look at it.
    $SKY BLUE 11(01010.HK)$What should I do?? I wonder if it's a loss cut??
    However, in my experience, it generally goes up when I sell, I can't sell, and unrealized losses are expanding.
    It's painful, but it's also hard to determine a huge loss by selling. I don't even feel like I can get it back with anything.