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マルセイユ Private ID: 183583843
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    マルセイユ commented on
    $Joby Aviation (JOBY.US)$
    It's dropping, why?
    Well, that's because I bought it.
    Why do they call large drones that people can ride flying cars? I don't really understand the difference between helicopters and them.
    マルセイユ commented on
    $Archer Aviation (ACHR.US)$ I wonder how much the stellantis nv issue will affect Archer in the future? I was thinking of buying it someday, but maybe I should wait and see for a bit? Oh dear, what will happen, what will happen? 😵‍💫
    マルセイユ commented on
    $Archer Aviation (ACHR.US)$
    I have no idea what's good about JOBY... Smart people, please tell me. How many units should be available for commercial operation to be okay? The price seems to be equivalent to a taxi.
    $Nippon Telegraph & Telephone (9432.JP)$ Announced the development of technology to visualize the condition of the optical fiber transmission path end-to-end without the need for measuring instruments, and successfully demonstrated it for the first time in a field network in North America simulating a commercial environment. This can significantly reduce the time required for the design and maintenance of optical networks. Aiming for application to the IIOWN APN. It does not affect the stock price because it is influenced by geopolitics, exchange rates, and the US market! Let's look at the big picture.
    マルセイユ commented on
    $Nikkiso (6376.JP)$
    Isn't it a good financial statement? Could you please tell me why someone would fall?
    $Apple (AAPL.US)$isAugust 1stAfter the close of tradingThe financial results for the April-June quarter of 2024are scheduled to be announced. It is expected that the significant decline in sales of the main product, the iPhone, compared to the same period last year will be greatly improved, and as a result,there is a forecast for a return to increased revenue.It is.
    Until 10 p.m. on August 2nd (Japan time)To, Apple's closing price on August 2nd (5 a.m. Japan time on August 3rd)Please choose the price range you expect. If the actual closing price falls within the chosen price range, points will be distributed equally to the users who voted for that price range (for example, if 50 people correctly predict the price range, each person can earn 100 points!).
    Make a financial estimate of Apple's closing price after earnings reports and get a special bonus!
    Make a financial estimate of Apple's closing price after earnings reports and get a special bonus!
     The stock market has completely fallen into a “summer wither” market. There was a sharp global stock depreciation from July 24 to 25. Since it's a summer vacation, there are few market participants. Also, isn't there a rewind of the “trump trade” happening?
     Additionally, the collapse of the semiconductor-related sector, which has continued to rise rapidly, uncertainty about the American presidential election, and the high pressure on the yen (the appreciation of the yen pushes down the Nikkei Stock Average by about 400 yen → rushing into the 152 yen range over the weekend) are amplifying the uncertain mood. However, it seems that the Nikkei Stock Average has come close to the immediate bottom zone.
     Of popular brands $Disco (6146.JP)$ $Tokyo Electron (8035.JP)$ $Lasertec (6920.JP)$The decline in the main stock market is tough, isn't it? Technically, it forms an immediate ceiling. There are also people shouting, “I'm selling color.” Push buying is strictly prohibited in this situation. The intensification of US-China trade friction (America requests self-restraint from exports to China) has cast a shadow on the semiconductor industry.
     The American presidential election is the Republican Trump campaign (Ba...
    The general market price is “summer dry,” but momentum for individual shopping is strong!
    The general market price is “summer dry,” but momentum for individual shopping is strong!
    The general market price is “summer dry,” but momentum for individual shopping is strong!