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haru0613 Private ID: 184175285
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    haru0613 commented on and voted
    $NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$ After the closing of the US stock market on November 20th, Earnings for the third quarter of fiscal year 2025are scheduled to be announced.A comeback by former president Trumpriding the wave of a stock market rally on the 7threached a new all-time high,Will this earnings announcement further push up the stock price?
    On the next business day after the earnings reports, what will be the closing price of nvidia stock? Let's predict the closing price and vote!
    ● Distribute 10,000 points
    At 10:30 PM on November 21st (Japan time)By the deadline, nvidia's Closing price on November 21st (6 AM on November 22nd Japan time) Predict the closing price and select from the price ranges below. If the actual closing price falls within the range you voted for, points will be equally distributed to all users who voted in that range (Example: If 50 users hit the target range, each will earn 200 points!)
    [Hit Challenge! 1,000 yen Amazon gift card]
    Predict the closing price of nvidia accurately and seize the chance to get additional benefits!
    On November 21st...
    Predict the closing price of nvidia after earnings reports and get rewards!
    Predict the closing price of nvidia after earnings reports and get rewards!
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