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184186850 Private ID: 184186850
Google AIを活用し、企業分析をしながら投資をしてます。
    $SciSparc (SPRC.US)$
    Finally!! There was news of the FDA rejection of the psychedelic, and there was a sense that the sentiment of related scisparc was deteriorating, but the approval in just 1 month from the FDA application shows how high the development capability is and smooth it is going!
    $SciSparc (SPRC.US)$ Finally there's news of the merger! Automax has good news and the stock price is soaring, so let's hope for synergistic effects from the merger.
    $SciSparc (SPRC.US)$ 毎回サプライズニュース出て噴き上げても元値戻しするけど、今回のニュースはSCI-110の臨床試験が着実に進んでいることが示されているし、「将来への期待での投資」と捉えればさすがに元値戻しされるべきものではないと思う。企業側はナスダックに生き残るための「1月13日までに1ドル以上を10営業日連続で達成すること」を目指して、あの手この手で今後もサプライズニュースを出してくるでしょう。私はしばらくホールドしてます。
    184186850 commented on
    ザ・マネー~Today’s Market(2024.08.19)
    $SciSparc (SPRC.US)$ Is it an increase in surprise news since it hit almost the lowest price? they're doing it... I think there is a high possibility that a lot of surprise news will come out in the future, but there seems to be no doubt that the market price will be roller coaster for a while, so it seems that we need quite a bit of guts.
    $SciSparc (SPRC.US)$ Will it keep falling like this forever? The timing of the transition will be determined specifically when the special general meeting of shareholders of AutoMax will be, and probably depends on the details.
    $SciSparc (SPRC.US)$ プレからいくらなんでも下げすぎじゃね。好材料上げじゃないの?
    due to the significantly lower-than-expected non-agricultural employment figures announced last week, the global market has experienced a baptism of 'Black Monday,' with expectations emerging in the market for a 50-basis-point rate cut in September. Furthermore, the recent sell pressure on the entire technology sector and the resurgence of expectations for a US rate cut could result in a rotation within the US stock market.continuation of rotation is possible.As the rate cut approaches, what investment strategy should investors take?
    Will the rate cut be an opportunity for market adjustments and buying more?
    Although the market may enter a period of adjustment in the short term, it is likely to ultimately turn positive. Stock markets usually rise in anticipation of the first rate cut.After the rate cut, there will be a period of back and forth movement for 1-3 months.If there is no economic downturn, it will then turn to an upward trend.At present, considering the likelihood of the first rate cut taking place in September and taking into account the year-to-date increase in major indices, there is a possibility that we are approaching a period of adjustment.Furthermore, the first rate cut this time may coincide with the volatile prelude to the US presidential election. In the case of a soft landing, stocks tend to show strong performance for 6-12 months after the rate cut.There is a possibility that we are approaching a period of adjustment.Furthermore, the first rate cut this time may coincide with the volatile prelude to the US presidential election.In the 6-12 months after the rate cut, stocks tend to show strong performance.Investors...
    One step ahead! Which industry will lead the market if interest rates are lowered?
    One step ahead! Which industry will lead the market if interest rates are lowered?
    One step ahead! Which industry will lead the market if interest rates are lowered?
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