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$GameStop (GME.US)$ okay guys I've got a theory now my theory is that the hedge funds as well as the exchanges they took quite a bit of loss on this put most of the broker dealers into a margin call which they could not satisfy for billions which I believe not only the hedge funds but the broker dealers as well as the option exchange and the sec are all working together in order to stabilize the market and what I mean by that is that we cost them so much money that there was none to pay that means your accounts would have been wiped out if something wasn't done so they got together devised a plan they froze everybody's account and use our Capital that was invested in GameStop options already in order to make up their losses I believe Monday that you will get your money if you're a still are currently in a GameStop trade don't panic set a pending limit order very high and let it sit there or your trade will be free to trade come Monday because I know mine has been frozen and so has everybody I know so yours probably are too now the value you see most certainly is in the value of the worth so don't panic if you have options on GameStop on the put or call I believe that you are going to be made whole and the conclusion will most likely be Monday because what I believe they're doing is that this last run was actually the hedge funds running up the stock in order to reposition so they can make up their losses now they're going to s...
I post this not to brag but to make you understand that a rather small investment can grow your account if you are patient and you take the time to understand your Craft and spend time learning every day this isn't my account it's somebody I taught and he started investing with in August of last year with about 11k and we turned that into over a million dollars

if you guys got in when I posted it you're up about 500% so far with still plenty of room to go
Quick Technical Analysis over $Northern Genesis Acquisition Corp (NGA.US)$ $Stable Road Acquisition Corp (SRAC.US)$
@Treydon Gui $Tesla (TSLA.US)$ $Synthetic Biologics (SYN.US)$ $Bionano Genomics (BNGO.US)$ @70217746 @70152023 @70787162 @70156386 @70798738 @Climbing2020 @Cosmoly @finance_analyst @Fan Chong @断腕的梅瑞狄斯 @KINGKILG @KLau12345 @Jun Wang1 @knowledgeispowerful @KnowledgeIsPower @leboy92 @zang7788
@Treydon Gui $Tesla (TSLA.US)$ $Synthetic Biologics (SYN.US)$ $Bionano Genomics (BNGO.US)$ @70217746 @70152023 @70787162 @70156386 @70798738 @Climbing2020 @Cosmoly @finance_analyst @Fan Chong @断腕的梅瑞狄斯 @KINGKILG @KLau12345 @Jun Wang1 @knowledgeispowerful @KnowledgeIsPower @leboy92 @zang7788
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$Canoo (GOEV.US)$ wow I popped a lot better than I expected a good job anybody that followed me on this one
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$GameStop (GME.US)$ okay guys I promise you that I would come back with some answers now I'm sure a lot of you guys were in the put options that your platform showing that you either lost money or broke even or most likely lost money and it was pure Market manipulation I can explain what they did was when we purchased a put option they actually changed our contracts from a buy to open to a cell to open and in order to keep the profit they bought the clothes for your entire profit what made you realize a complete loss and I'm not making this up it's not speculation here are the numbers that are really exist and I don't think it was one platform I think it was the market makers so this is what I found after doing some digging...

market manipulation at its best GameStop
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$GameStop (GME.US)$
It’s a massive massive massive short squeeze they had a lot of people shorting their stock so much so that they had the largest percentage of any other stock on the market so when you have to close out because the stocks going up it makes it less liquid which is easier to go up and down in price because whether you sell it short are you buy it long it is still shares away from the market cap so when they were forced to buy to close their short position as shot the stock way up...
It’s a massive massive massive short squeeze they had a lot of people shorting their stock so much so that they had the largest percentage of any other stock on the market so when you have to close out because the stocks going up it makes it less liquid which is easier to go up and down in price because whether you sell it short are you buy it long it is still shares away from the market cap so when they were forced to buy to close their short position as shot the stock way up...
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$GameStop (GME.US)$ I don't know how many of you guys already trade like this or not but when I'm ready to buy a stock and hold it long term what I do instead of just purchasing stock I will sell a put option at the price strike of where I feel comfortable purchasing stock now one of two things will happen either it goes in the money and they assign you and you get to stock for the price you wanted anyway and on top of that you get a discount because they paid your premium up front or it expires worthless and you get free capital for those of you that don't already do this it's a great way to buy long-term shares...
knowledgeispowerful OP Cookie693 : I agree have a limit order set pending and let it sit have it super high on the price
knowledgeispowerful OP Cookie693 : see I sold my options before I realized what was going on let me show you what I've got and you'll see the different from what you see to what it should be
knowledgeispowerful OP Cookie693 :
knowledgeispowerful OP Cookie693 : I downloaded this out of my account management system on interactive brokers it shows the lifetime price so pay attention to the lifetime because that's when I downloaded it that's what the actual price was for those options
knowledgeispowerful OP : I have 43 contracts
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