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Now, when you are able to put it all together and make yourself a well-rounded trader, nobody says you're going to be able to predict every stock that's going to go up, but you're going to start seeing big differences in your profit and losses. These are the trades I took today.

Should I choose Shop or Amzn for Monday? I can only afford one or the other. Is Amzn the safer option? @KnowledgeIsPowerShould I choose Shop or Amzn for Monday? I can only afford one or the other. Is Amzn the safer option?
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Not my best day but I'll take it after starting off in the hole 2 Grand

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I'm not very technical I don't use a lot of charts I started implementing them after a while but at first all I did was momentum tradeing and all you doing you're looking for a solid company and they had a hard sell off but didn't break that last support they settled on support long as they don't break it you buy that bottom look for quick bounce and get out it's a very well-known trick a lot of pros use it and it works 90% of the time you just got to make sure they don't break that last support they settle above the supportwe'll go over some more later I just want to give you all something to think about cuz I work I use this on a daily basis it definitely does work long as you implement your trades right you said you stop losses take profits it'll work about 90% of the time until you get more educated about the different ways you can trade
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$Allegro Merger Corp Com Npv (S/R 31/12/2023) (ALGRR.US)$ I think that you guys think these up before close of post-market chances are you're not going to get a better position than an after hours right before after hours I sold off half of mine I was up at 11 hundred percent $250 investment expenses I estimated out almost $1,200 and still have it half of my shares I knew I wouldn't get a better position that's why I kept Half my shares in
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$Occidental Petroleum (OXY.US)$ another option that is going to be a great investment and if you bought it with me good job
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Well, it's unfortunate, but the meeting with OPEC and world leaders that was supposed to take place on Monday has been officially delayed, no earlier than the 8th or 9th. Will it take place now? With that said, you're probably going to see some people selling off. Don't be one of those dummies. You should be buying their mistake. Buy the dip when they start selling off and hold it. You have to realize that if our economy is getting crushed by this massive overflow of oil, what do you think it's doing to Russia? Saudi Arabia may be able to weather it for a while, but 90% of their economy is oil, with barrels they're selling at $6 and $8 a piece. How long do you think they can survive like that?
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Can someone please explain this stock thing, id really does deserve it. Im new to all of this.
Mwey : wow that's crazy. One qu5thoufhz how did you get all 500 calls in? was it 1 time purchase of 500 calls or you had to split into many orders? not that I can afford spy at that level maybe in several years;)
Mwey : I mean bynd of 500 calls
Mwey : only 5 options wow when did you get in? 210 strike was like $100 each option? I got in at 210 too but made only 100 for 1 option though