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70205923 Private ID: 70205923
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    So I'm new to the stock market, but I'm a avid connoisseur  of the. flower and I've been smoking for a long time and when I went back to college and in my Eng lit class that's all I would write about was the legalization of Marijuana back then it was 2/3 states I believe that had legal recreational use now look and although some states hasn't got on the band they should because it's not just for people who need it for medicinal purposes some just like that it mellows them out, helps them calm down, helps them be more creative, the lost goes on and on! And the biggest thing for me is that cigarettes and alcohol is a whole more dangerous then marijuana no one has ever overdosed on marijuana, but cigarettes can make u sick as a dog n the nicotine thats in cigarettes can kill u and the same goes for alcohol it changes your whole attitude,  it make some people mean and nasty, it can eats away at your liver and you kill yourself if drink to much, so I never really understood the laws when it come down to Marijuana matter of fact alot of "the laws of the land" should be updated, rewritten, thrown away because justice is not blind!!! She has on a seethrough blindfold lol🤣🤣🤣🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️😘😘...
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