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Disneys Jafar Male ID: 70545867
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    Disneys Jafar reacted to
    $Meta Materials (MMAT.US)$ know what you hold. we all wish we had Amazon @$6 a share years ago... or Bitcoin @$10 and now look at them both!!! this is a unicorn 🦄 stock. wait till 1 product is going well and good pr. we will be booming don't forget 200+ patents /intellectual property... also on the "LOT network" with biggest companies of the world but little ol meta is on lot network with the big dogs... average down hold strong for the mooooo' ney
    $Meta Materials (MMAT.US)$ Just bought 53 more at 1.855. Now up to 3586 shares and average at 3.965. I also bought 100 shares of  $Palantir (PLTR.US)$ at 14.00
    $Meta Materials (MMAT.US)$ mmat and amc are my favourite stocks. but rn i feel like cutting losses for mmat...
    2021 is a year of volatility. It has witnessed the rise of meme stocks, starting with $GameStop (GME.US)$ and WallStreeBets early in January and up to the moon $AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ in June. After the 2020 pandemic, S&P 500 rallied 100% within 354 trading days*. In times of chip shortage, investors are also watching the tech stocks closely. Not to mention dramas like what caused by Elon Musk and Donald Trump on $Tesla (TSLA.US)$ and $Digital World Acquisition Corp (DWAC.US)$ . What a year!
    *Source: CNBC Maekets News
    Review Your 2021 to Win Free Stocks
    As 2021 comes to an end, moomoo invites you to write your own review of 2021 trading journey, reflecting on the year that was and looking ahead to 2022. Join the topic discussion "2021 in Review: My Investing Journey Forges Ahead" and get rewards now! 
    Event Duration: Now to December 31st, 11:59pm ET
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    *Participants before December 22nd stand a chance to become Growing Stars of the Year, which is a title given by moomoo community to reward your effort made in 2021. A badge will be given to Growing Stars on the profile page to acknowledge your progress and achievement. The Growing Star will be rewarded with one random moomoo merchandise and one free stock with a price range from $20 to $50. 
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    2. Good typesetting with order histories, stock's trend or other helpful charts.
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    Don't know what to write? Ask yourself the following three questions!
    ONE: How did your trades perform?
    As we approach the end of 2021, it's time to look back on whether you make money over 2021! Where did you put your money in? Did your stocks bring you good returns? What are your highlights this year in trading? 
    Reviewing your trading performance is a way to acknowledge successes and drawbacks to improve your trading skills. Let's check out what moomoo features you could adopt to assist the writing of your reviews here.
    TWO: What have you learned from trading? 
    Perhaps you made a profit, learned a new trading skill, developed good trading psychology, broke bad habits, and gained more confidence.
    Even if 2021 might not be the best year in trading, time must have rewarded you with something greater than money, and that is AWESOME! What lesson did you learn, and what progress did you make? Write down the trading knowledge you've learned over the year now!
    THREE: What cool thins have you done? 
    2020 might be the worst year for many people as COVID-19 took away so many innocent lives. Is 2021 getting better with you? What are your stories this year? Did you meet any good fellows during your trading journey? 
    We are all ears for your remarkable stories! Please remember, mooers will always be by your side no matter what happens.
    Final Words: 2022 Will Be Everything You Want It To Be
    Moving forward, it isn't just about learning from what didn't' work in 2021, but also about learning, acknowledging, and genuinely appreciating what did work in the past. You should allow yourself to be happy and truly soak it all in if you want to thrive.
    Happy (almost) 2022, and remember, this year—it's going to be what you want it to be.
    Join discussion and get rewards now! Click here: "2021 in Review: My Investing Journey Forges Ahead"
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    moomoo annual ceremony is happening right now! Check it out here:  2021 in Review: Grow Together to the Moon!
    Write 2021 Review to Win Free Stocks
    Disneys Jafar reacted to
    $Meta Materials (MMAT.US)$
    they have nothing to do with that ticker...that is a ticker made by certain market makers who happen to short stocks as well.  couldn't spell it out any clearer...George apalikaras is a genius trust e his record speaks for itself...we are going to make the hedgies suffer because they do not like George because he is cocky. one last thing why after that garbage hedge fund carousel kerrisdale come out with they are shorting and then there's an article printed at night out of the blue of blatant false news and offering a hack lawyer firm who chases ambulances.. trust me right now is a perfect time to buy I will be here the whole way NFA THAT'S WHAT I'M DOING... JUST DD WHAT METAMATERIAL IS THE MATERIAL...
    #TORCHTHESHORTS IS PHRASED BY GEORGE THE GREEK HIMSELF. This muttface hf came around AMC a while back and never heard from again especially not right now. Today will be history... also someone messed up @ $WallStreetBets (LIST2555.US)$ by releasing that $Meta Materials (MMAT.US)$ info...premature ejac and got repremanded by getting his award receiving on /reddit suspended for all of Q1 of 22 first day of Q2 his buying power restored..... Meta materials finds out what it's made out of all sort of composites sky's not even the limit, that's the testing zone...420 call summer 2022 cuz I smoke pot alot and like to play the stocks alot.... #GoBeyond 🦋 true metamobb continue this trending #vibez first META MMAT LISTED ON NASDAQ REAL METAVERSE SHIT! type in Geo Palrak and Eli Muskerson search on a good engine.. everyone's all about metaphors nowadays... this company's future like my future is bright so I deflect the Sun but enjoying warth nature anyway do your DD also have an open mind if you're old enough then you know the Jetsons they predicted the future it was a cartoon it was great and they have flying cars and they were in outer space it was hilarious if you never seen it you should... that was them basically predicting now and the next 10 years.. 🤔 🍕 yall✌️