Star Jennings
If you're curious what the "HYPE" is behind #HIVEBLOCKCHAIN $HVBT, this article gets you up 2 speed.
What a great posted article here from CoMOOnity member @MACD onalds. I imagine he also see's the value behind the print. I thought of a VERY IMPORTANT reminder to my friends here concerning $Hive Blockchain (HIVE.US)$. IMHO, Hive did their best to be the most forward thinking INNOVATORs. I'm thinking this factor will begin to reveal itself soon and create separation from the others. There are a few reasons why, not just 1.
Multiple income sources such as the obvious $Bitcoin (BTC.CC)$ but also their strategy had them quietly loading up on $Ethereum (ETH.CC)$ at bargain basement prices. This company is eco-friendly so no problems there 😎! (I think analysts declared #BTC dead again around this time, for 586,782 time hehe, still kicking b*tches
) Way before institutions invested. And this is key. Ethereum is expected to do some Bitcoin-esque power moves in the near future. Bitcoin = internet
----Ethereum=The backbone of the economy (could even be larger than Bitcoin?) So buying #HIVE b4 #ETH doubles, triples, quadruples, will have you ahead of the masses.
Too crypto heavy? They also own Data Centers, Real Estate and other hard assets. This article covers must of it.
#ETH & #BTC have both seemed to be heating up again so keep an eye out my friends. $Hive Blockchain (HIVE.US)$
updated equipment that competitors will still have to update to catch up. Look for A nice dip for entry possibly today or tomorrow. Short, Medium, Long play ticker here. Have a great day
Multiple income sources such as the obvious $Bitcoin (BTC.CC)$ but also their strategy had them quietly loading up on $Ethereum (ETH.CC)$ at bargain basement prices. This company is eco-friendly so no problems there 😎! (I think analysts declared #BTC dead again around this time, for 586,782 time hehe, still kicking b*tches
Too crypto heavy? They also own Data Centers, Real Estate and other hard assets. This article covers must of it.
#ETH & #BTC have both seemed to be heating up again so keep an eye out my friends. $Hive Blockchain (HIVE.US)$
updated equipment that competitors will still have to update to catch up. Look for A nice dip for entry possibly today or tomorrow. Short, Medium, Long play ticker here. Have a great day

Star Jennings
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