$GameStop (GME.US)$
You can't tell me they're not suppressing the price. Why is it keep glitching like this? Is anybody else getting these numbers totals P/L
You can't tell me they're not suppressing the price. Why is it keep glitching like this? Is anybody else getting these numbers totals P/L

$GameStop (GME.US)$
Check the total's PL. These numbers keep changing. They are definitely suppressing the true price. Action these glitches Happening every day.
Check the total's PL. These numbers keep changing. They are definitely suppressing the true price. Action these glitches Happening every day.

$GameStop (GME.US)$
you can see in today's totals pl%.. This is how much they are suppressing the price could it be 1.2 Million% on the other day.
you can see in today's totals pl%.. This is how much they are suppressing the price could it be 1.2 Million% on the other day.

$GameStop (GME.US)$
Is anybody else getting these glitches over a million percent? And then it goes back to today's pl's..
Is anybody else getting these glitches over a million percent? And then it goes back to today's pl's..

$AMC Preferred Equity Unit (APE.US)$ On one of my brokerage accounts I am watching the ape Chart and for a quick 2nd it spikes up and then disappears back to where it's at I'm trying to catch a screenshot but it's happened several times so I bought more
$AMC Preferred Equity Unit (APE.US)$
It's not much but at this price I had To pick up what I can.
It's not much but at this price I had To pick up what I can.

$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ If Bob Marley was in AMC
Oh Citadel they rob I,
With FTDs and naked shorts
Months after they tried
To send our stonks to the bottomless pit
But my diamond hands were made strong
By the will of the mighty apes
We hodling in this generation
Won't you help to sing
These songs of freedom?
'Cause all I ever have
Redemption songs
How long shall they kill our profits?
While we stand aside and look
Some say it’s just a part of it
Oh Citadel they rob I,
With FTDs and naked shorts
Months after they tried
To send our stonks to the bottomless pit
But my diamond hands were made strong
By the will of the mighty apes
We hodling in this generation
Won't you help to sing
These songs of freedom?
'Cause all I ever have
Redemption songs
How long shall they kill our profits?
While we stand aside and look
Some say it’s just a part of it
hey Jim Cramer keep my Girl $AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ out your f****** mouth got it. I don't want to hear it we about to go to the Moon enough already
hey Jim Cramer keep my Girl $AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ out your f****** mouth got it. I don't want to hear it we about to go to the Moon enough already