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wzjones92 Male ID: 70630056
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    Brian Ong is from Singapore and is one of the first users of moomoo when it launched in the city-state. Brian’s nickname on moomoo is @Brianjh.
    A year ago, Brian was at rock bottom as he was unemployed, but a year later, he is gaining success in both the workplace and in the stock market. Not only has he become a product engineer at a well-known technology company in Singapore, but he has also learned how to invest and manage his wealth starting from scratch. He regained his self-confidence on his investment journey and has found a new lease on life.
    Brian told us his story on how moomoo has helped him on his journey in investment and trading, and how it has increased his motivation for self-improvement.
    From unemployed to employed, Brian regained his self-confidence
    Brian lost his job a year ago due to the pandemic and other reasons. He had lost his heading in life during this time and was living aimlessly. Having spent all of his savings, he had no choice but to rely on his parents.
    Fortunately, Brian’s parents were not harsh on him, but encouraged him to look for new employment opportunities instead. Brian felt shameful in the face of his aging parents and realized that he could not continue like this. He therefore started thinking about how he could get out of this difficult situation.
    To improve his financial situation, he decided to try his hand at investing. However, starting as a newbie, he didn’t even know which type of investment and trading software was suitable for him. As he painstakingly searched through investment information online, an app with an orange “Wall Street Bull” logo caught his eye.
    moomoo had just launched in Singapore at that time, but quickly become well known amongst Singaporean investment circles. With a “let’s try and see” attitude, Brian downloaded the app, registered and began his journey as an investor.
    What he likes about moomoo the most is the abundance of investment tutorials on the platform, cateringto investors with different levels of experience ranging from beginners to advanced. He uses moomoo every day to learn about basic investment and trading knowledge, the stock market, trading strategies, long-term investments, and other financial knowledge, etc.
    Besides using moomoo, Brian also watches a lot of YouTube videos on investment and trading every day. These have all greatly improved his overall understanding of stock markets and money markets, and his knowledge of investing has improved by leaps and bounds.
    He then slowly began to formulate his own investment strategies. Before investing, he would conduct in-depth research and analysis on companies he is interested in, and use moomoo to learn about related news and industry trends, and then analyze the trends to decide whether there are potential investment opportunities.
    At the same time, he also uses YouTube, Google, and other channels to find more information to come up with an overall understanding and then evaluates and selects 1 to 5 companies to invest small amounts at regular intervals. Brian believes this reduces risk and “usually results in good returns.”
    Slowly but surely, Brian’s investment returns have increased.
    Only after 6 months since he started investing, Brian’s return is sitting at around 20% to 30%. He even yielded 100% once on a particular trade.
    moomoo has been Brian’s guide in the world of investing
    As a total beginner investor, not even in his wildest dreams did Brian think that he could do well with investing in such a short time. He credits this success to the investment software he uses every day, moomoo.
    You can say that moomoo is the first software that led him down this journey of investment. Brian says that the moomoo operating interface is very user-friendly and that investors on moomoo can view quotes for individual stocks and related market news more efficiently and conveniently.
    Brian likes to look at the fundamentals of a company.The variety of reports, information, and news available on moomoo satisfies his analysis and research needs. This helps him discover high-growth technology companies with sound fundamentals.
    Of course, the most attractive aspect of moomoo is that “it has a great community, which is suitable for people to discuss stock information and share their investment insights or any other finance-related topics they may be interested in. If you have any questions about a particular function or stock, you can find the answer on moomoo. It is like a pool of knowledge that everyone benefits from, and everyone actively gives feedback, helps and encourages one another.”
    A photo of Brian and Futu-themed gifts
    Brian also loves the various activities and rewards on the moomoo platform. Several months ago, Brian exchanged the points he earned from participating in activities for a limited edition “lion dance bull”, which he places on his office desk so he can see it every day.
    He says that he will continue participating in activities and earning points. “I want to get a money box next, which I plan to give to my father as a gift. He is almost 70, and he loves lucky charms. This money box has the Chinese character for “fortune” on it, so I’m sure he will love it.”
    Investing becomes an alternative lifestyle
    Besides doing well in investing, Brian has also been offered a job at a well-known technology company in Singapore thanks to his hard work. Now he has a stable job.
    Today, Brian works hard at doing his job and also in investing, and is very confident about his future.
    He frankly admits that investing has brought something new into his life. “Investing means that my wealth can grow. I have learnt many new things, and made a lot of like-minded friends through the investing process.”
    Brian plans to slowly expand his investment portfolio and is considering investing in other financial products besides stocks. He believes that as his own analytical and decision-making abilities continue to improve, he will be able to make even better investment choices in the future. “I hope to yield 40%-50% in the future.”
    This year is Futu’s 9th anniversary and Brian says: “I hope that moomoo will hold more online activities or seminars in the future and gather even more people together. This will allow us to share our own investment experiences and insights in real time. Of course, if possible, I would love to meet friends in the community in person.”
    Disclaimer:The above content represents the personal sharing and opinions of the guest, and does not constitute any recommendation, purchase, sale or holding of the above-mentioned stocks or investment strategies by Futu.   All investment involves risk. Prices of investment products may go up as well as down. Please understand the product risks and seek for professional advice before making any investment decisions.
    IT Engineer from Singapore: From Unemployed to Employed & How Investing Became His Alternative Life
    IT Engineer from Singapore: From Unemployed to Employed & How Investing Became His Alternative Life
    The 9th anniversary story of Futubull users we would like to share today is about a new mom named Tina. She made her first foray into the stock market only a year ago, but successfully transformed herself from a green hand who followed the herd to a discreet and rational investor with her own investment logic.
    As a mom, Tina has also set up a finance management plan for her baby born this year, hoping to save up a fortune as the baby grows up.
    Used to be an “average but confident” newcomer trapped in herd mentality
    At the beginning of 2020, Tina just closed her own business for good and, faced with the raging Covid-19 pandemic, she had no choice but to stay at home. Like many others who had plenty of time to kill during lockdown, Tina got intrigued by investing and making money. But by then, she was just an overconfident newbie who made quite a few silly mistakes.
    “For a start, I did what other immature investors had done: bought at the top and sold at the bottom, held only those hot stocks and dreamed about turning rich overnight. I didn’t think much or do any review, because all I wanted was to make quick money,” said Tina. Yet the market trend changed dramatically in February, 2021, when the performances of growth stocks and value stocks switched, causing her portfolio to lose 30% of its value in a week. In retrospect, she confessed that “it felt like falling from heaven to hell with my face down. The excruciating loss made me deeply reflect on my operations.”
    Learning from that hard lesson, Tina made up her mind to study investment from the basics. “I think what’s good about me is that I’m a constant learner.” She spotted numerous insightful articles by seasoned investors on Futubull community, who shared their investment philosophy and lent a helping hand to newcomers who struggled to build their knowledge base. Futubull also offers free courses for green hands, helping them learn investment in a systematic way, including basics such as how to value a company and diversify portfolios.
    Furthermore, Tina joined several training camps offered by Money Plus, which taught her knowledge about wealth distribution, money-making tactics on the capital market and asset allocation plans for female investors.
    “Futubull has taught me a lot. It gives me an opportunity to learn from investment masters and helps me grow. It’s more than a stock-trading app. I can feel Futubull takes an effort to guide investors, telling them about proper investment attitude and providing comprehensive investment knowledge and science-based approaches for them. It’s dedicated to thriving with its clients,” said Tina.
    Tina’s growth stage: building her own investment pyramid
    As she got deeper knowledge in investing, Tina fought her way as a mature investor, holding stocks and funds in the meantime and gaining reasonable returns within her capability step by step. Gradually, she understood what Warren Buffet meant when he said, “Time is the friend of the wonderful company, the enemy of the mediocre.”
    “Now I’d put a greater emphasis on two types of companies that have a wider moat. The first ones are highly-recognized companies that cannot be changed, such as Hermès, LV, and Moutai, a household Chinese liquor brands. The other category is made up of leading companies that can change the world, like apple and Tesla.”
    In terms of operations, Tina has become more prudent than she used to be. For instance, she closed her positions of Tesla at 100% yield. “I’m quite decisive in making exits. I’ll leave without hesitation if I feel it’s the right moment.”
    Tina designed a “Happiness Plan” for herself in the investment pyramid, perking herself up by buying things she likes. “Apart from managing our finances, girls all enjoy shopping. If I stashed away all the money I earned, I wouldn’t be happy. But with this ‘happiness plan’ I’ll work harder on investing to make more money and reward myself with things I want.”
    Her family members are also part of her investment pyramid. “I have a ‘fire plan’ included in the pyramid, too. I hope my husband won’t be so busy when I achieve my financial freedom. Instead, he can take me and the baby to travel around the world, experiencing exotic lifestyles and seeing something totally different. Since we cannot earn money beyond our perception, we need to see the bigger world before we play big.”
    Setting a financial management plan for her newborn baby
    2021 matters a lot to Tina for another reason—her baby was born!
    “My baby’s zodiac is ox, making it a good pair with Futubull. I have redeemed many Futubull mascots and placed them around the TV. My baby will have a lot fun with them,” joked Tina.
    After giving birth, Tina turns into a stay-at-home mom. “I now do financial planning while taking care of my love because good financial management matters a lot to a thriving family. As I have a penchant for managing finances, I also set up a financial management plan for my baby.”
    Tina contributes a fixed amount to 3 funds on Futubull for her baby every month, hoping to save him a fortune when he grows up.
    On occasion of the 9th anniversary of Futu, Tina said, “I hope Futu can continue to thrive and lead the industry, growing into a company that works for every investor and enables different means of payment so that everyone can manage their finances at ease here. Plus, I wish all investors on Futubull can earn big money. Finally, Futu, happy 9th anniversary!”
    Disclaimer: The above content represents the personal sharing and opinions of the guest, and does not constitute any recommendation, purchase, sale or holding of the above-mentioned stocks or investment strategies by Futu.   All investment involves risk. Prices of investment products may go up as well as down. Please understand the product risks and seek for professional advice before making any investment decisions.
    Tina, stay-at-home-mother: grows from an “overconfident” newbie to a “rational” investor
    Tina, stay-at-home-mother: grows from an “overconfident” newbie to a “rational” investor
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