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70957218 Private ID: 70957218
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    70957218 liked and commented on
    $Virgin Galactic (SPCE.US)$ 
    If you don’t trade Debit Spreads, I would def look into them!
    - Less Risky
    - Less Expensive
    And depending what type of Debit Spread you trade (Calendar, Diagonal, Vertical), you can still profit sometimes even if the stock goes completely opposite than your trade (Calendar and/or Diagonal Spreads are best for that).
    My trade below isn’t HUGE Profit but it’s a perfect example why Debit Spreads are awesome!
    I bought (5) of the 12/10 16 Calls and sold (5) of the 12/10 18 Calls for only $29 each.
    The Calls I bought are rising in value since they are closer ATM (now ITM)
    The Calls I sold are dropping in value since they are further OTM (and THETA is hurting them much more)!
    Since the Calls I bought are rising and the Call I sold are falling, I am in Profit!
    Debit Spreads (Vertical)
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