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709877391 Private ID: 70987739
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    709877391 commented on
    $Futu Holdings Ltd(FUTU.US)$ I just break even what is a good price to exit?
    709877391 commented on
    $Futu Holdings Ltd(FUTU.US)$ because crypto is a scam and  nothing to back it up, thus futu is reliable and price increase
    709877391 commented on
    >>Follow Pre-IPO Buzz to get latest unicorn information
    Epic Games is an American video game and software company that creates games and offers its game engine technology to other developers.
    According to CB insights, as of January 23, 2022, it ranks the fifth largest unicorn, valuing at more than $40 billion.
    Epic Games raised $1 billion in a new round of funding in 2021 April which lifts the company’s valuation to $28....
    Pre-IPO pedia | Epic Games is building Fortnite to win the metaverse race
    Pre-IPO pedia | Epic Games is building Fortnite to win the metaverse race
    Pre-IPO pedia | Epic Games is building Fortnite to win the metaverse race
    709877391 commented on
    $Futu Holdings Ltd(FUTU.US)$ HAPPY BAGHOLDER AT 64.62. YAY 😝😝😝😝
    $Futu Holdings Ltd(FUTU.US)$ massive discount time to load up
    At the end of this post, there is a chance for you to win points!
    Happy Monday mooers! Welcome back to Weekly Buzz, where we review the news, performance, and community sentiment of the selected buzzing stocks on moomoo platform based on search and message volumes of last week! (Nano caps are excluded.)
    Part One: Make Your Choices
    Part Two: Buzzing Stocks List & Mooers Comments
    Every major index moved higher last week. Here is the weekly buzzing stock list of last week:
    1. AMC - Buzzing Stars: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    After hitting a high of $52.79 on Sept. 13, $AMC Entertainment(AMC.US)$ entered into a downtrend and declined to a low of $40.010 last Friday. 
    ● Mooers comment
    2. TSLA - Buzzing Stars: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    Tesla shares closed at $774.390 last Friday after delivering its beta button, which brings the next level of autonomous driving to its car owners.
    ● Mooers comment
    @laksh: Tesla is just starting to warm up
    Aside from the huge potential in the future, the near term catalysts as follows:
    1) 3rd Quarter deliveries, 2nd Oct (Wall street est: 220k, personal opinion: 235-240k)
    2) AGM Oct 7th in Giga Texas (Potentially something could be announced since they have chosen to do it here)
    3) FSD Wide roll out (By 3rd of Oct many more drivers shd be driving using 10.1 after the 7 day period lapses to assess behavior)
    3. FUTU - Buzzing Stars: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    Closing at $93.220, FUTU stock registered a weekly decrease of 2.51%.
    ● Mooers comment
    @GratefulPanda: Great little feature of moomoo
    This is a small feature, but I really appreciate how my watchlist will automatically rearrange themselves to show the stocks from active markets at the top of my watchlist. Read more...
    4. AAPL - Buzzing Stars: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    Apple shares rose 0.59% to $146.920 last week, with new Apple iPhone models hit the stores last Friday.
    ● Mooers comment
    @GoldSeeker: Here to show off my iphone 13 pro
    @Apollod Wed: The iPhone 13 series boxes have also shrunk.Is this for environmental protection?
    5. ATER - Buzzing Stars: ⭐⭐⭐
    Shares of ATER finally stood at $12.960  with a weekly increase of 17.18% after reaching an agreement with its lender High Trail to pay down its outstanding secured term debt last Thursday.
    ● Mooers comment
    @several-Ad3818: $Aterian(ATER.US)$ I tought it would have opened green. anyone has updates on short interest and available shares to short?
    6. BABA - Buzzing Stars: ⭐⭐⭐
    BABA stock was down 9.35% last week and its price closed at $145.080 with its news over the tech crackdown in China.
    ● Mooers comment
    Share your idea with @orangejusabout Market sentiments >> Value
    $Alibaba(BABA.US)$ Unbelievable. A company with such huge profit margins and cash stockpile, is going down day after day from any and all negative news, even if it had nothing to do with it.
    7. NIO - Buzzing Stars: ⭐⭐⭐
    NIO stock was in a downtrend last week despite officially rolling out the new battery last Thursday, closing at $35.380 after declining 1.75% last Friday.
    ●  Mooers comment
    @sun2038: $NIO Inc(NIO.US)$ bought at 36, thinking whether sell at 46.  Not sure possible or not? Any prediction on future? thanks
    What is your prediction?
    8. LCID - Buzzing Stars: ⭐⭐⭐
    LCID stock closed at $25.430 with a weekly rise of 10.76%, registering three weeks of continuous increase. The company is well-funded, and nearing the start of production of its first vehicle model, the "Lucid Air".
    ● Mooers comment
    @Tangobull: $Lucid Group(LCID.US)$ buy for future, EV Ferrari.
    What's your view?
    9. BBIG - Buzzing Stars: ⭐⭐⭐
    As Fed hints at tapering, shares of BBIG closed at $6.320 last Friday following a four consecutive days fall.
    ● Mooers comment
    @Timothy Roberts: $Vinco Ventures(BBIG.US)$reached my target zone (61.8 Fib) & can correct even more. If you want to buy long term: Do it step by step;)
    10. GREE - Buzzing Stars:⭐⭐
    After Greenidge Generation and’s merger, GREE has now tumbled by 34.13% over the past week and 54.12% during the past month.
    ● Mooers comment
    @Pocodo: $Greenidge Generation(GREE.US)$ In this moment, I rather believe hat cow can climb tree than GREE can go GREEN. 😬😬😬
    Thanks for your reading!
    Part Three: Weekly Topic
    Time to be rewarded for your great insights and knowledge!
    This week, we'd like to invite you to comment below and share your view on:
    "Everyone says I should invest in stocks, but I am nervous about the markets. Should I be? And what should I invest?"
    Disclaimer: Comments below are made available for informational purposes only. Before investing, please consult a licensed professional.
    We will select 10 TOP COMMENTS by next Monday.
    Winners will get 288 points by next week, with which you can exchange gifts at Reward Club.
    *Comments within this week will be counted.
    Top Comment Technique:
    ● Fundamental / Technical / Capital Analyses
    ● Personal Trading Experience
    ● Any bright insights or knowledge
    How to find Rewards Club?
    Previous of WeeklyBuzz
    Weekly Buzz: "The only green stocks I own right now."
    Weekly Buzz: "I’ve definitely learned my lesson this year. "
    Weekly Buzz: The level of rich I wanna be.
    Weekly Buzz: The level of rich I wanna be.
    Weekly Buzz: The level of rich I wanna be.
    In 2021, Futu turns 9 years old. Having accompanied millions of users for 9 years.
    As we celebrate our 9th birthday, we look back into the past and try to uncover memorable moments, and found that every unforgettable moment was spent with you—our dear users:
    In 2012, Futu embarked on an exciting journey with you.
    In 2019, we were listed on the Nasdaq.
    In 2020, we onboarded our 10 millionth user.
    In 2021, we advanced into more markets across the globe, welcoming more than 15.5 million users from over 200 countries and regions…
    As we celebrate our 9th birthday, we feel ever more motivated by our founding vision: “make investing easier and not alone”. It is the millions of users in our community that make investing “not alone”. These 9 years with you are the best time that we have ever spent.
    As we celebrate our 9th birthday, we would like you to know: We wish to continue accompanying you on your investing journey ahead, for the next 9 years or even 90 years.
    As we celebrate our 9th birthday, we sincerely want to invite you - our dear users - to share your moomoo stories in the past years.
    [About the Event]
    We wish to invite our users to share their moomoo stories and 9 representative users will be selected. If you are interested, please send your moomoo story or your self-introduction to the official email address:
    The email should include: (ideally 300-500 words, the more the better)
    -Your name,  moomoo ID,  Nationality, Occupation
    -Your moomoo story: When you started using Futu services and products via moomoo; what you want to share with us and fellow users
    -A casual photo of yourself or a photo of you with a moomoo figurine (optional, less than 5M)
    [What to Do If I Am Selected as a Representative User?]
    ① You should be willing to take an interview themed "My moomoo Story", which will be disseminated via global and Futu/moomoo official media channels in the form of image and text.
    ② You should be willing to take a photo against a pure-colored background or a photo that presents your daily life. The photo will be used for the poster of "Futu 9th Anniversary—Representative Users", which will be disseminated globally.
    ③ You should be willing to participate in a video filming. The video will be used for the video of "Futu 9th Anniversary—Representative Users", which will be disseminated globally.
    *Detailed information on the specifications of the photos and videos will be further discussed with you by our staff.
    [Application Period]
    September 16 – September 22
    [Gift Package for Selected Users]
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    [Gift Package for Event Participants]
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    [Call for Stories] Futu Turns 9 and You Are Invited to Share Your “moomoo Stories”!