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John Blake Private ID: 71054120
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    John Blake reacted to
    Housing market update:
    1. 20% of listings reduced price in last month
    2. Mortgage demand lowest since 2001
    3. Interest rates doubled
    4. Refinance demand down 75% YoY
    5. Inventory up 10% since March
    Volatility is already bad…
    What happens when the housing market collapses?
    $NVR Inc (NVR.US)$ $Lazard Global Total Return & Inc Fd Inc (LGI.US)$ $Home Depot (HD.US)$ $S&P 500 Index (.SPX.US)$ $Invesco QQQ Trust (QQQ.US)$ $Apple (AAPL.US)$ $AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$
    Good time to poll. with last week frantic selling has the market cooled enough or will we expect another wave of heart stopping new lows?
    My personal take, Logic over sentimental selling. You bought at a certain belief on the stock so don’t give in to panic or impulsive decisions. Be in tune with latest news and look back at previous trends and charts before transacting.
    stocks I’m monitoring
    $Tesla (TSLA.US)$ 
    $Apple (AAPL.US)$ 
    $Sea (SE.US)$ 
    $Advanced Micro Devices (AMD.US)$ ...
    John Blake reacted to and commented on
    $Tesla (TSLA.US)$ Tesla should be treated as a software company. The current value-added services provided by Tesla include the FSD optional package, which is priced at $10,000.
    At present, the FSD selection rate is less than 20%, accounting for less than 4%. And here with the continuous iteration of the autopilot version and the continuous increase in Tesla's ownership, the contribution of the service industry's profits will definitely improve rapidly.
    If according to the forecast of the previous Soochow study, the profit of the service industry will account for 50%, according to the 25-year guidelines, this profit alone will exceed 10 billion U.S. dollars.
    Although the iteration of the version has been postponed recently, it is still very good in terms of the 2,000-person autonomous driving situation in the United States in October.
    In benchmarking with Apple’s service business, the gross profit margin of software service revenue exceeds 50%, with a compound growth rate of 33%. It may seem reasonable to understand the valuation issue in this way.
    At the end of this post, there is a chance for you to win points!
    Happy Monday mooers! Welcome back to Weekly Buzz, where we review the news, performance, and community sentiment of the selected buzzing stocks on moomoo platform based on search and message volumes of last week! (Nano caps are excluded.)
    Part Ⅰ: Make Your Choices
    Part Ⅱ: Buzzing Stocks List & Mooers Comments
    Every major index moved higher last week. Here is the weekly buzzing stock list of last week:
    1. TSLA - Buzzing Stars: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    Shares of Tesla closed at $1222.090 last Friday with a weekly rise of 9.70% as it launched a pilot program in the Netherlands to share its Supercharger network with other electric car brands for a fee.
    ● Mooers comment
    @Tuyea: To the moon
    $Tesla (TSLA.US)$ time to liftoff again to $1300
    @Jai Dev: Elon Musk Wins 'Approval' To Sell Tesla Stock
    Elon has to sell some stock or it expires worthless which is why he is considering this. Nothing about the fundamentals of Tesla has changed besides them getting better. This changes nothing, im holding until 2030 min. Buy the dip.
    2. AMC - Buzzing Stars: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    Movie theater rebound is in full swing. AMC's stock price closed at $41.700 with a weekly rise of 17.90%. Shares of AMC were rising almost 8% in the morning trading last Wednesday as meme stock support propelled the movie theater operator higher.
    ● Mooers comment
    @XQJ-37: $AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$
    @Sikwitit: I’m a AMC junkie been going to them every other weekend since I was 13 collecting ticket stubs. It was my 1st investment in the stock market August 18th 2020 cause I thought maybe it would help save them from bankruptcy. I didn’t know anything else about everything else.
    3. OCGN - Buzzing Stars:⭐⭐⭐⭐
    OCGN lost 13.51% last week and finally closed at $10.240. Ocugen stock was waylaid by traders taking profits, stock price down 7.3% to $11.80 in last Thursday.
    ● Mooers comment
    @APTTMH: $Ocugen (OCGN.US)$ is at a decent price considering WHO approving Covaxin and the opportunity for growth from supply and demand.  $Pfizer (PFE.US)$ dipped in Dec. 2020 when vaccines were first given so I think Ocugen will followed suit.
    4. PHUN - Buzzing Stars: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    PHUN stock closed at $4.220 last Friday with a weekly decline of 1.63%, despite the stock gaining 0.91% in pre-market trading last Thursday morning.
    ● Mooers comment
    @EpicStocks: Made a Chart for Everyone. The crossover is Bullish
    5. LCID - Buzzing Stars:⭐⭐⭐
    This is the 11th Lucid Studio to open, which excites investors who are interested in the Lucid brand's future growth potential. The shares of LCID gained 13.00% last week and finally closed at $41.800.
    ● Mooers comment
    @Devilton: $Lucid Group (LCID.US)$ $Rivian Automotive (RIVN.US)$ This Tue is IPO for Rivian, another new EV player in the share market with super huge potential. the 2 reasons why I think so are:
    1. Although EV too, it is mainly in trucks and vans segment, so differentiate itself from Tesla and Lucid, hence no direct competition. And with its strong backing, should be taking majority of that pie.
    2. It is back by Amazon and Ford, with orders already placed by Amazon for 50,000(I think) delivery trucks. I’m sure this is just the beginning. Read more..
    6. AAPL - Buzzing Stars: ⭐⭐⭐
    Apple appears to have planned for a big iPhone cycle ahead of the chip shortage issues. Its stock price closed at $151.280, with a weekly rise of 1.14%.
    ● Mooers comment
    @Matthew Bryson: Apple Shares Are Likely To Consolidate For The Next Couple Of Years
    The iPhone maker  $Apple (AAPL.US)$ generates large revenues and free cash flows and will most certainly continue to do so for the foreseeable future. This, however, could already be priced in the company's stock, which makes it susceptible to a price consolidation or slight correction in the short term. This is even more so due to the post-pandemic hefty 2021 revenue increases, which the company is unlikely to sustain in the next year or two. Read more...
    7. NVDA - Buzzing Stars:⭐⭐⭐
    After announcing its Omniverse Enterprise platform, which was a platform for connecting 3D worlds in a shared virtual universe. NVDA stock was up 16.37% to $297.520 last week.
    ● Mooers comment
    @Perfume_girl: $NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$ trillion dollar market cap
    @efficentupup: Nvidia's Market Value Surpasses Berkshire Hathaway For The First Time
    On Tuesday, November 2, Nvidia's market value surpassed Berkshire Hathaway for the first time, ranking seventh in the United States.
    As of Wednesday's close, Nvidia closed up 0.75%, with a total market value of 664.95 billion US dollars; from a trillion market value, Nvidia still needs to rise 50.38%. Read more...
    8. NIO - Buzzing Stars:⭐⭐⭐
    NIO saw its stock price close at $42.290 with a weekly rise of 7.31%. Nio received support from analysts as the investment firm reiterated its buy rating on the stock. The analyst also gave Nio a very generous price target of $67.00, which was one of the highest marks on Wall Street.
    ● Mooers comment
    @CoolWaterCoolWater: NIO = No Oil.
    9. FB - Buzzing Stars:⭐⭐⭐
    FB stock increased 5.43% to $341.130 over the past week. CEO Mark Zuckerberg is building a "virtual world", formally called Oculus, which is based on technology found in the company's virtual reality headset.
    ● Mooers comment
    @Investing 101: $Meta Platforms (FB.US)$We have closed above 337 resistance and right below 342 resistance which was slightly better than what I expected for the week. Thanks to smart money flooding in after we broke the downward resistance trendline. Read more...
    10. PFE - Buzzing Stars: ⭐⭐
    PFE shares were up 12.11% to $48.610 last week with Pfizer's drug reduced Covid hospitalizations by 89% in the clinical trial, a finding that has the potential to upend how the disease caused by the coronavirus is treated and alter the course of the pandemic.
    ● Mooers comment
    @skytrade: $Pfizer (PFE.US)$Thank you
    Thanks for your reading!
    Awarding Moment
    Before moving on to part three, congrats to the following mooers whose comments were selected as the top comments last week!
    @HuatLady @treydongui @cowabanga @Moo Bull 102206726 @HuatEver @VCSuccess @Tupack H Mcsnacks @Sadeesh @HopeAlways @hexuan92 @Syuee @Jia Yung
    We really appreciate your great insights! Read the top comments last week!
    Notice: Reward will be sent to you this week. Please feel free to contact us if there is any problem.
    Part Ⅲ: Weekly Topic
    Time to be rewarded for your great insights and knowledge!
    This week, we'd like to invite you to comment below and share your idea on:
    "My first investment in the stock market."
    We will select 20 TOP COMMENTS by next Monday.
    Winners will get 200 points by next week, with which you can exchange gifts at Reward Club.
    *Comments within this week will be counted.
    Top Comment Technique:
    ● Fundamental / Technical / Capital Analyses
    ● Personal Trading Experience
    ● Any bright insights or knowledge
    Previous of WeeklyBuzz
    Weekly Buzz: "What is Metaverse?"
    Weekly Buzz: "Have some PHUN."
    Weekly Buzz: "Be optimistic but don't be too optimistic."
    Disclaimer: Comments below are made available for informational purposes only. Before investing, please consult a licensed professional.
    Weekly Buzz: "My first investment in the stock market."
    Weekly Buzz: "My first investment in the stock market."
    Weekly Buzz: "My first investment in the stock market."
    John Blake commented on and voted
    What words come to mind when you think about your personality traits? Impulsive? Confident? Organized? Now think about how you make investing decisions. Would the same words apply? The market is like a personality test. Every decision you've made will lead to different results. The only difference between them is: one can be used on your Instagram profile, and another one sometimes makes you broke.
    Vote first plz~~
    Here come mooers' test results. Can see yourself in them?
    1. The hyper guy
    @Perfume_girl: $NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$ trillion dollar market cap
    @SissyBecca: $NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$ 320$ pre market
    @Soulforger:  Yippee-ki-yay, To The Moon! $AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$
    2. The gloomy guy
    @soyabean89: Should have stick to  $PepsiCo (PEP.US)$. Rather die of sweet diabetes and salty doritos than suffer hypertension from overhyped bloody  $Oatly Group AB (OTLY.US)$
    @Sikwitit: $AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ Sorry but not sorry to everyone that bet against AMC  
    #BUY #AMC & #HODL #ApesNotLeaving #amctothemoon #ApesSavedAMC
    @Powerhouse: we are still in the midst of a pandemic yet the big name MRNA had fallen by 12%. i think i may have to look at PFE which can only go up now! unbelievable !
    ps. i had bought more from broker
    @Cashcauterize: remember this $AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ Oh no it's down to $31.00
    3. The chill guy
    @UR2EZ: when you have a $40 price alert on $AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$
    4. The Star War guy
    @Kenzy86: $AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$
    5. The WTF are you doing guy
    @Deezy_McCheezy: $Tesla (TSLA.US)$ Don’t judge a book by its cover.  That clown is a highly skilled sniper.
    @Deezy_McCheezy: How bears manage their finances :)
    of course there are
    6. Apes
    @Mr Trecherous: Seeing Fellow Apes In Public Be Like $AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$
    @Rogue Trader 7: When you're an Ape. $AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ life is good.
    This week, we'd like to invite you to comment below and tell about "what kind of investor you are?"
    We will select 20 TOP COMMENTS by next Monday.
    Winners will get 88 points by next week, with which you can exchange gifts at Reward Club.
    *Comments within this week will be counted.
    You may post whatever you want to illustrate your ideas. 
    That's all for this week! Peace!
    MooHumor: A personality test that worth a thousand gold.
    MooHumor: A personality test that worth a thousand gold.
    MooHumor: A personality test that worth a thousand gold.