Surf Bento
$AgriFORCE Growing (AGRI.US)$
This is going to rocket soon 🚀🚀🚀🚀
This is going to rocket soon 🚀🚀🚀🚀
Surf Bento
$LumiraDx (LMDXF.US)$ just give us $5 a share holy shit im sick of waiting for this bullshit
Surf Bento
$AgriFORCE Growing (AGRI.US)$
grow today?
grow today?
Surf Bento
$LumiraDx (LMDXF.US)$
Senvest no longer holds shares, I bet they got paid already and they are trying to get us to sell or tax write-off 🤔 we now can't sell or buy. Brokers must be figuring out how much each shareholder is going to get. Who knows if shorts got out or screwed or even dark pool naked shorting may have escaped during Expert Market? Don't get discouraged because we can sue, CMA report needs to be given us without scissors, complete, not missing 20 pages
Senvest no longer holds shares, I bet they got paid already and they are trying to get us to sell or tax write-off 🤔 we now can't sell or buy. Brokers must be figuring out how much each shareholder is going to get. Who knows if shorts got out or screwed or even dark pool naked shorting may have escaped during Expert Market? Don't get discouraged because we can sue, CMA report needs to be given us without scissors, complete, not missing 20 pages
Surf Bento
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$LumiraDx (LMDXF.US)$ 🙉 closing my ears to the 🤡🤡🤡’s!! I’m BULLISH AF 😎
Surf Bento
Blockchain technology is a decentralized, distributed ledger system that records transactions across multiple computers in a way that ensures security, transparency, and immutability. Unlike traditional databases, where a central authority controls the data, a blockchain is a peer-to-peer network that enables participants to verify and record transactions without the need for a trusted intermediary (like a bank or government).
At its core, bloc...
At its core, bloc...
Surf Bento
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