
This is my 5th one with THE RESISTANCE 🌎💰👍 🥰 Short selling Chinese stocks and buying everything else has been a blessing 😇 We must be doing something right $Regencell Bioscience (RGC.US)$ $Virpax Pharmaceuticals (VRPX.US)$ $NeuroMetrix (NURO.US)$

$NIO Inc (NIO.US)$
Another great day for the memes. Free Hong Kong 🇭🇰 even got some action and THE RESISTANCE UNLIMITED SELLS vs THE WANGHO PUMP has been at a stand still 😂 With The Resistance goal to sell a few $100 Million shares of Chinese stocks this year and Chinese ETFs looking to keep the prices up, sideways is ok with only a few breaks away from last years prices! $XPeng (XPEV.US)$ $Li Auto (LI.US)$ $Tesla (TSLA.US)$ $AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$
Another great day for the memes. Free Hong Kong 🇭🇰 even got some action and THE RESISTANCE UNLIMITED SELLS vs THE WANGHO PUMP has been at a stand still 😂 With The Resistance goal to sell a few $100 Million shares of Chinese stocks this year and Chinese ETFs looking to keep the prices up, sideways is ok with only a few breaks away from last years prices! $XPeng (XPEV.US)$ $Li Auto (LI.US)$ $Tesla (TSLA.US)$ $AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$

$NIO Inc (NIO.US)$
Our favorite memes that are usually shorted and promoted for shorting by the WangHo army on twitter, Weibo and all the online chats took a hit yesterday. On top of that $Bitcoin (BTC.CC)$ who China tried to dump is back and not tanking 😂 along with crypto. China covered up covid and ramped up mask making, the world got nuked and trash bags for hazmat suits. Now we are WOKE! Some still very needy so have not yet woken and cannot buy quality but we awns our money to the free world. No funding to a capital flow controlling, desperate for land, shilling, fort/factory spreading, nuclear expanding, poor country predator REGIME. UNLIMITED SHORT SELLING 🇨🇳👎 (snipe, snipe, snipe!) Skills Challenge 😉
Our favorite memes that are usually shorted and promoted for shorting by the WangHo army on twitter, Weibo and all the online chats took a hit yesterday. On top of that $Bitcoin (BTC.CC)$ who China tried to dump is back and not tanking 😂 along with crypto. China covered up covid and ramped up mask making, the world got nuked and trash bags for hazmat suits. Now we are WOKE! Some still very needy so have not yet woken and cannot buy quality but we awns our money to the free world. No funding to a capital flow controlling, desperate for land, shilling, fort/factory spreading, nuclear expanding, poor country predator REGIME. UNLIMITED SHORT SELLING 🇨🇳👎 (snipe, snipe, snipe!) Skills Challenge 😉

$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$
Making giraffes for the world 🌎👍 while short selling Chinese PumpNDumps 🇨🇳👎 this year. THE RESISTANCE GROWS
$NIO Inc (NIO.US)$ 🇨🇳👎
Making giraffes for the world 🌎👍 while short selling Chinese PumpNDumps 🇨🇳👎 this year. THE RESISTANCE GROWS
$NIO Inc (NIO.US)$ 🇨🇳👎

$NIO Inc (NIO.US)$
They’ll blame economic data, news, some bill or bond yields or something but as expected this week the pump team is back in action while THE RESISTANCE SELLS IT ALL not even waiting for the strike price pump to dump. That’s dedication right there for big discounts ahead. $30 is likely $21 would make sense. $20.8 breakdown would be the work of LEGENDS! The WangHo army and Chinese ETFs will be the real fight. $XPeng (XPEV.US)$ $Li Auto (LI.US)$
They’ll blame economic data, news, some bill or bond yields or something but as expected this week the pump team is back in action while THE RESISTANCE SELLS IT ALL not even waiting for the strike price pump to dump. That’s dedication right there for big discounts ahead. $30 is likely $21 would make sense. $20.8 breakdown would be the work of LEGENDS! The WangHo army and Chinese ETFs will be the real fight. $XPeng (XPEV.US)$ $Li Auto (LI.US)$