$Bitcoin (BTC.CC)$ 48 by next friday. dip to 42,500 then 48. 50 by feb.
eat your hart out webull

i see moo moo doing well but the one change i would like to see is slack up on sum of the options rules. i wish options were ran more like robinhood. other then that i see using moo moo in the future.
macd and rsi work well together and can be used with moving averages
if we can just hold on till 2024. the real billmarket will start as soon ass the ass is out the house
now when they defalt payment itl and all of it records will become a swiss asset. think about that. there is no such thing as to big to fail. it is what do or will you fo for the person that bails you out. the US is worlds wort about doing everything proxi i wouldnt dobt we are actually paying for it and it is all smoke and mirriors.
my honest opinion is wait till after a trend has been set after earnings. buying and holding through earnings is gambeling not investing. after earnings iv drops or crushes to where otions are worthless. the market knows about straddles. they are prepared to defend against them. when iv dropes so does profits and held long enough since you paid at a premism price for option you could have a wnning trade you loose money on. come on moomoo you know better.
$Atlis Motor (AMV.US)$ this stock is known for big swings when volume comes in. they ump it up to dump it but get in on upside makes good returns dont get stuck with the bag it will be antherfew months to try again
$Atlis Motor (AMV.US)$ not for swing traders many days of red ahead. when it turns it will be like ipo day