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Event Description:
This event is to help mooers learn more about the differences among companies and industries, review Fundamental Analysis indicators, and better navigate the market.
"Investing is not about beating others at their game. It's about controlling yourself at your own game. The intelligent investor is a realist who sells to optimists and buys from pessimists." —Benjamin Graham
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1) 4,000 points:...
This event is to help mooers learn more about the differences among companies and industries, review Fundamental Analysis indicators, and better navigate the market.
"Investing is not about beating others at their game. It's about controlling yourself at your own game. The intelligent investor is a realist who sells to optimists and buys from pessimists." —Benjamin Graham
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1) 4,000 points:...

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Many analysts and fund managers say that "time in the market is more important than timing the market". Because the markets always recover to end higher over time and it is very hard to catch the bottom. They are better at fundamentals than technical analysis. This is not always true as I will show below. Besides, there's a conflict of interest as they earn commissions.
The common argument for time in the market is that if you missed the 'best ...
The common argument for time in the market is that if you missed the 'best ...

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The stock market has fallen back to March 2020 numbers and is on the support line of the March 2020 crash. This has been caused by the growth of financial sector and from its creation of complex and unstable financial derivatives built on risky forms of private debt. How much deficit? Around 18 trillion dollars. Since United States (US) banks and clearing houses are backed by the Fed this required them to print then “loan” this amount out using the overnight reve...
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i bought a call option of tesla 2 days ago at 1725 strike for 6 dollars before the split the call expires the 9th of September what happens now? is there any good to this call option?
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Columns Month/Quarter end rebalance could push the market up 7% this week? H2 outlook via J.P. Morgan
1. The impact of month/quarter end rebalance
This week is the end of the month, quarter and first half of the year. It is a time when most fixed-weight portfolios rebalance their asset exposure.
This week rebalance is important since equity markets were down significantly over the past month, quarter and six-month time periods (hence the various rebalance frequencies reinforce each other), and it is hap...
This week is the end of the month, quarter and first half of the year. It is a time when most fixed-weight portfolios rebalance their asset exposure.
This week rebalance is important since equity markets were down significantly over the past month, quarter and six-month time periods (hence the various rebalance frequencies reinforce each other), and it is hap...
Energy equities are experiencing strong selling pressure as crude prices drop![]()
The oil market is currently going through one of the most turbulent periods since the infamous March 2020 collapse, as investors continue to grapple with recessionary fears. Oil prices have continued sliding in the wake of the central bank deciding to hike the interest rate by a record-high 75 basis points, with WTI futures for July settlement were quoted at $104.48/ba...
The oil market is currently going through one of the most turbulent periods since the infamous March 2020 collapse, as investors continue to grapple with recessionary fears. Oil prices have continued sliding in the wake of the central bank deciding to hike the interest rate by a record-high 75 basis points, with WTI futures for July settlement were quoted at $104.48/ba...
by the time they admit a recession we will be going through some very hard and long painful stagflation
Bob2022 : anyone that thinks a few months of 5.5% rates is going to cure a decade of low rates and QE that led to 15% real inflation is delusional. Vulker tried a soft landing and failed when inflation roared back, eventually uncontrollable inflation lead him to destroy the economy and high inflation by raising rates accordingly.