71421897 OP susu2024 : For long-term holding of NVDA, time is really not a problem, it's not just today but also a recent thing.
71421897 OP 72157065 : Earnings are coming out of nowhere
71421897 OP 72157065 : As soon as it breaks through 130, it will go to 135. There is a high possibility that financial reports will arrive
71421897 OP Avengers 2023 : They all last a long time and won't be empty
71421897 OP 103869745 wen : The bottom warehouse price is relatively low, so I bought and added it along the way
71421897 OP Fiona 8 : The profit was around 70%, and all of the highs have already been reached, waiting to step back on the trend line and enter the market.
71421897 OP GoldenHand : Main shares
71421897 OP susu2024 : For long-term holding of NVDA, time is really not a problem, it's not just today but also a recent thing.