Joyful Kangaroo
$Amazon (AMZN.US)$ bull trap?
Joyful Kangaroo
$Pyxis Tankers (PXS.US)$ .16c dividend declared today. If you hold the stock until the April 14. @101819403 @102235596 @70087910 @102377128 @102318077 @102527783 @102773025 @102968950 @101564629 @101792547 @102490953 @0sw9 @102739162 @80562183CT @102963782 @102983645 @AG24 @AnnSG @AG88 @Anonymous Investor @aleitch86 @AllSeeingGuy @Annoyinglittleboi @AA9559 @bearolo @Bobochacha @bwjx @Blue Eyed Boy @Butterfly_Effect @BHSH @Bull Empire @chichiro @cslee1288 @Conn_00 @Cow Moo-ney @Cat army @CrazyEnuff @Ckteh8899 @cindyling14 @Cool3r @Deecic @deluxe bean @Dadacai @do you @Dennis Takizawa Hide @赌中之神 @Dons hobby @D Rock615 @DaNewestTrader @Dagobart64 @EmmettElwood @Elvan Lim @E Yeo @Fly5959 @forthekids @Fred Chong @飞黄_腾达 @Giovanni Ayala @gunner1314 @GTG81 @greenpasture @Hani Ayyash @Haiyaaaa9696 @Harry Ang @Hassan Oscar @HazelnutLatte @HengAh @Investing with moomoo @Isao @IMeee @it is okay @I Love GreenGreen @Joocy J @JGraceJr87 @Jane chew @Jun8888 @Jason Diggs @jahmaycan @Jun 2297 @Jon K09 @joon87 @KoryoDragon @Kylow @康4013 @Kav75 @Kangaroo Koh @LionWolf 8698 @Lax13 @Lalooker54 @littlemissy00 @辣椒拌面 @Lucass11 @Mooers Lab @Mr Trecherous @Mickeymm @McElroy @fionaa @Meow07 @MengZai @MooMoo987 @mooks06 @Mysha-Han Han @MoMa Doge @Mcdeline @Moooooo888 @Machiavellis3rdEye @mcstiner @manchutime @Manhit @Mike Hunt @小 鬼 @mobybird @Memeng @meows27 @Nadman @Neeneee @Nick money come @Neonavi @Popular on moomoo @Plucky77 @Pupz @pennypincher @Pinnn @Pamloarg @Patylc @QGTMOOlah_NYC @Qui Vivra Verra @Riddick705 @rawrrrbucks @让子弹飞(SG) @Revelations 6 @Riding Star @rainForest Water @SKinsey @Seamus1 @Bunnx @Skybeejason @Angieeee Ng @SN S @SimplyDestiny @Shandylander @上了贼船888 @soyabean89 @student otg @SSSTW @somebodyisllp @Solo-man @Simon backy @babyya @San 8723 @superlousytrader @Sharonsl @天天牛市冲天 @ttt28 @Tileowleow @TinkerB3ll @treydongui @天上无双 @Jzng @twinkle bits @TRF_MDIESEL @Up Lorry Together @Velvet Monkey @watts38 @whoareuami @WannaBeTrader @W Chiang @旺 旺 @Wenter gua @xuan2016 @兴旺發3133 @Xxfifi @Youth of May 2021 @xierongliang
Joyful Kangaroo
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$Mullen Automotive (MULN.US)$ all I'm gonna say is buckle the f up. get your tray tables locked. And for God sakes get your balls ready for big swings

Joyful Kangaroo
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$Color Star (CSCW.US)$ yes yes
oh ya lov it when i get noney hate it when i lose FJB brandon LETSSS GOOO
Joyful Kangaroo
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$HeartCore Enterprises (HTCR.US)$ PM run up happening. buy in at 5.50 sell at 15.00.
Joyful Kangaroo
$Platinum Group Metals (PLG.US)$ $Palladium Futures(JUN5) (PAmain.US)$ $First Majestic Silver (AG.US)$ $iShares Silver Trust (SLV.US)$ $Silver Futures(MAY5) (SImain.US)$ $Barrick Gold (GOLD.US)$ $Wheaton Precious Metals (WPM.US)$ $Kinross Gold (KGC.US)$ $Gold Futures(APR5) (GCmain.US)$ Probably goes unnoticed but we just had a moment where Palladium and gold were equivalent in price. This last occurred December 30, 2018 and they were both about $1290 then. The last time gold and platinum were the same price was March 2015 at $1160. And the last time platinum and Palladium were the same price was September 17, 2017 at about $930. The 🦄 unicorn would be having all three precious metals the same price at the same time. It would be like the triple point in chemistry where all three states gas liquid solid are all present together at one temperature and pressure