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Squid-Vicious Private ID: 71572558
Former Spacesuit Tester | Father
    My grandmother was the only person in my life, in my family, who ever invested in stocks. Her name was Avis and she was strict Irish Catholic woman who never drank or smoked a day in her life. She was highly intelligent and had wisdom to share every time I talked with her.
    Avis was investing long before I was even born. She set up two savings accounts, one for me and one for my sister. The money in the accounts she put into stocks and ETFs. She started one in 1990, and the othe...
    I received these commemorative coins made of metal from the final spaceship shuttle after working as a Spacesuit Tester for one of NASA's sister companies, ILC. I was able to completely suit up in the spacesuit every day, water cooling harness, helmet on with air conditioning and all. The spacesuit weighed 181 pounds, the majority of it resting on your shoulders. I would perform mock outer space activities like twisting and turning certain dials that would be on the outsi...
    NASA Commemorative Coins
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