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Cuter Female ID: 71615068
天马行空 逆向思维的投资方式。
    $Mullen Automotive(MULN.US)$ Pure Internet management. Since 2020, the main business has continued to shrink, and losses have continued to expand every year. Currently, the stock's assets are all negative, and it can only be saved through asset restructuring or acquisition.
    $BABA-SW(09988.HK)$ As the internal volume of Internet e-commerce becomes more and more serious, especially the strong rise of social e-commerce in Pinduoduo and Douyin Kuaishou, it has had a negative impact on the domestic Taobao e-commerce business. Another point is that Taobao's overseas business is not developing very smoothly, and the mid-tier valuation is skewed
    $MEITUAN-W(03690.HK)$ Douyin's beginning to lay out Douyin takeout will put a strain on Meituan's future market share. Later, attention will be paid to whether Meituan's overseas business will go smoothly. The current valuation is reasonable, so it can be absorbed on dips
    $BRIGHTSTAR TECH(08446.HK)$Those in stock hurriedly left, and both the studio and the so-called Lao Qian teachers were recommending it, which fell by at least 90%.
    Investment philosophy (model): Style is a path determined by multiple factors such as investment experience, investment philosophy, financial qualifications, personality characteristics and values of mature investors. Style also means that investors can make stable money — of course, they may not make stable money; in the end, investors can only leave their money to others to take care of. Therefore, investors must not only make money, but also form a stable style to fix this “sense of rhythm” of making money
    The three models correspond to the short, medium and long term. Short-, medium- and long-term investments all have a matching profit model or investment system. In fact, it doesn't matter how to make a profit or what model you choose to work in the short, medium and long term. The important thing is that you must have a perception (including personal personality and ability) and investment system that matches it. You must never mismatch these. You can't be the middle line in the short term; the middle line doesn't take advantage of the long term; long-term thinking also plays games in the short term; in the end, you can only be slapped left and right. Only by following one's own strategy and strictly implementing it can the stock market prosper.
    (1) Short-term trading - 3-7 trading days: Short-term trading means respecting the market and following the trend. There are no restrictions on choosing the target item. It only focuses on high purchases and then higher sales. There is no requirement for profit, but losses are strictly prohibited, and you can enter the market if you have a profit margin of at least 3 points. In the short term, familiarity with corporate fundamentals is not required, but it requires a good sense of market and strict discipline. The key point is to follow the trend, in other words, if the trend does not change, you can always hold shares. For example, in the past, when technology stocks were in a bull market, they often rose for a few months. This...
    First, the skills of watching music.① maintains a monthly online watch strategy. Looking at the monthly line and operating at the weekly line, this is the highest state of stock speculation. In the stock market, the duration of trading varies from year to month, while week, day and hour are short. It has been proved in practice that the longer the time is, the easier it is to judge the weather, the weekly line is easier to judge than the daily line and the time-sharing line, and the monthly line is easier to judge than the weekly line. The technical index of the monthly line reflects the large peak and large wave band; the technical index of the weekly line reflects the mid-range and medium-wave band; the daily line and time-sharing refers to reflecting the small band and small band, and the small finger is "looking at flowers in the sky". When you use weekly technology to guide stocks and operations, individual stocks have only several inflection points in a year, which can be seen clearly, save worry and effort, have a high accuracy rate, have a high probability of success, and are highly valued and overvalued. Trading by monthly line = trading by price, stock trading should grasp individual stock prices, and therefore, academic and weekly decisions, rather than daily decisions, are more likely to make mistakes with small fingers, meaning that the smaller the number of decisions in the same period of time, the more the number of decisions, the more decisions, the more decisions can be made, and only by giving up the small can you make a profit of more than 50%. The monthly line of individual shares is gold. When the road reaches the end of the road, the enlightened one becomes great.② maintains the weekly line operation policy. The weekly line refers to the purchase of stocks, and the weekly line refers to the purchase of stocks. Using weekly line KDJ and other reference operations, the accuracy rate is high.③ holds a right-hand trading strategy. The right trading is relative to the left trading, the left trading is not looking at the technical instructions, making its own prediction, no.
    $WUXI APPTEC(02359.HK)$ The main business is the global biopharmaceutical industry, providing integrated, end-to-end new drug R&D and manufacturing services. According to the 2021 report, sales revenue of $229 billion increased by 38.5% year-on-year, and net profit of $50 billion, up 72.2% year-on-year. The results showed growth in many industry chains after Mincang dropped its account in Wenjiang. Xiu's chain enterprises have also come to the fore. Last month, Wenjiang District signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Chengdu High-tech District, which will focus on the “three best practices” to jointly build a biopharmaceutical industry ecosystem across regions, plan to build adjacent cooperation zones, and explore the city A new paradigm for the joint development of the new district and the downtown area. Short-term stress note 120, post market is currently relatively healthy, participation price HK$110
    $TENCENT(00700.HK)$ 如果當初能夠選擇抖音投資 遊戲產業稍微放一放能夠更好 320的底又要回來了。
    $VICON HOLDINGS(03878.HK)$ 馬來西亞莊家配合新加坡本地機構來的一出好戲 哎 多少散戶套在裡面。
    $SENSETIME-W(00020.HK)$ The industry itself is that it has been burning through its capital, and the continuous losses, and the huge losses, and the fact that the opinion of unicorn companies is polarized, it is difficult to stay high unless there is a huge increase in business.