I want to try everything. doge, Bitcoin,Litecoin, shib, Elon,vet, cro ada. it all sounds exciting
I haven't had any trading experience yet but I look forward to getting some now
thank you for the platform that has sparked my need for knowledge again. for years I have avoided the financial news and leads because I didn't understand what the papers were saying. now you give tutorials and articles that explain the truth about finances and companies. thanks moo
I am just beginning to learn about cryptocurrency and stocks. I appreciate all of the tutorials and articles that explain the ins and out of investing. I come from a lower income family that has never had the ability to invest so this app has been an eye opener. #My Christmas Wishlist for 2022
I need all the blessings that I can get. it has been a rough year and I hope that this can turn it around for me. Merry Christmas and happy new years, happy haunaka, happy holidays, may you all be blessed. #merrychristmas #moomoo#My Christmas Wishlist for 2022