$Camber Energy (CEI.US)$
i told you before the reverse split. i had no clue they even planned that. It didnt take a rocket surgeon to figure out they were going to be delisted. now that they stol your shares 50:1 it is still WORTHLESS and will be delisted. absolute TRASH company. everyone talking about a squeeze. YOU got played.
i told you before the reverse split. i had no clue they even planned that. It didnt take a rocket surgeon to figure out they were going to be delisted. now that they stol your shares 50:1 it is still WORTHLESS and will be delisted. absolute TRASH company. everyone talking about a squeeze. YOU got played.

$Camber Energy (CEI.US)$ They jusy stole your money by reverse splitting you out of your shares to avoid delisting and then crashed.
I warned literally 2 days ago that this garbage company was getting delisted.
Should be an investigation into malfeasance! what trash people running this scam company
I warned literally 2 days ago that this garbage company was getting delisted.
Should be an investigation into malfeasance! what trash people running this scam company
$Camber Energy (CEI.US)$ LOL!!! people think this stonk is going anywhere but to the penny stock bin after delisting haha
$Camber Energy (CEI.US)$
bout to get 10 or 20 to 1 reverse split and eventual delisting of this steaming pile
bout to get 10 or 20 to 1 reverse split and eventual delisting of this steaming pile
I sold when that insider Paul Pelosi sold...
The Pelosi's beat every index, every Buffet out there... its amazing.
I sold when that insider Paul Pelosi sold...
The Pelosi's beat every index, every Buffet out there... its amazing.
$Camber Energy (CEI.US)$
I'm inclined to vote NO on all the 4 people up for board nominations because they've been milking this company and driving it into thw ground.
What happens if they dont make it onto the board? New people found? Fresh blood?
I like the idea of a shareholder advisory but think it'll be crushed if we demand action. No they shouldn't get cushy compensation packages after the performance of this stock...
May buy more its cheap and hopefully a big fish will s...
I'm inclined to vote NO on all the 4 people up for board nominations because they've been milking this company and driving it into thw ground.
What happens if they dont make it onto the board? New people found? Fresh blood?
I like the idea of a shareholder advisory but think it'll be crushed if we demand action. No they shouldn't get cushy compensation packages after the performance of this stock...
May buy more its cheap and hopefully a big fish will s...
$SOS Ltd (SOS.US)$ Mike Hunt either holding the bag or pumpin and dumpin. this is a dumpster fire of a stock with a shady board.
$SOS Ltd (SOS.US)$
make your money while you can. This company has the sleeziest of sleeze running it.
make your money while you can. This company has the sleeziest of sleeze running it.