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Viking2021Empire Male ID: 71749038
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    Yes, Nvidia, Apple and Microsoft all have the opportunity to reach through 4 trillion market capitalization.
    # Reflecting on 2023 and setting new goals for 2024!
    Thus year as an investor, I have been focused on buying stock with value diring dips or that fit a growing demand. As a result of not buying into hype stock or Fomo investing, I have bought low, dollar cost average and taken profits throughout the year as seen fit. This year, even though it was challenging with the whole inflacionary agenda by the FED, it turned out to be a prosperous year for me. Much like most companies, I had to think outsi...
    The need for more advanced chips is going to presist as the demand for super chips in the AI movement is under way. I believe all chip manufacturers are poised to see gains, as the demand will be driven by the restructuring of the required  infrastructure. Intel is being improperly ran, and AMD is slightly ahead. Intel's revenues are greatly generated from the sale of PCs, which has declined post the Covid era where consumers invested/purchase a great deal of electronics/robotics and companies p...
    Ready to take some notes and learn from the best guru YouTube investors.  New York, here we come!
    Moo Moo Fam, this year has brought positive gains by analyzing buying levels and DCAing during the dips. Among my tech investments, META and NVIDIA have both provided the largest return. My suggestion is to continue to allocate funds to your brokage account on a set interval and establish alerts when prices reach your buying entry points. Studying the markets and DCAing during these next two quarters while inflation stabilizes and get ready for the next bull run. The market will continue to fluc...
    TSLA price will rally after the reflected stock split. It's good timing in the general market with the general fear of missing out, capped off with the historical projections of Q4 to finish the year in a strong note. The general fear of the FED increasing the interest rate has been priced in with the lack of growth. I think we may have a rough September, but after we are over that hump the market should be rally and it will be off to the races to close off the year. Energy will continue to driv...
    My strategy has been to invest for the long run with solid plays that can continue to grown over time. Experiencing this rollercoaster market having quick jerk reactions with dips to close all time highs i have recently contemplated short tradying. Profit taking is key to secure gains in this game of trading as stock sectors rotate in and out.
    It's important to be well inform of positive and negative catalyst news affecting the stock your tied too. This year I have learn that the sycology of buying the rumor and saling the news has had a positive outcome with a higher trend. Everyone's strategy should be to buy low and sale high, but more importantly have a goal to reach. Your goal can be to reach a particular stock sale price and sale, and once that stock dips to a low level risk then jump back and manage the new exit plan. Analyzing technicals, volume, and sentiment are important factors when accessing companies growth potential. The key is to write notes of yearly sector rotations, seasonal plays and those things that have work and those that haven't. This strategy helps to minimized taking repeated mistakes or making bad buys. I think every day learning, staying active in the know is key to staying intune with the new big thing and thus staying relevant in this ever changing market.
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