commented on
$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ the smell of a fake sell off in the morning after an awesome earnings call smells like piss and desperation. Hodl your noses apes!
$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ They still haven't realized that we aren't leaving? Lol why do market makers and shorts still try? lmao help us help you! Let it run and once it hits the top its all yours you f-ing dummies! Jesus Henry Christ...
$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ Turnover rate suggests a lor of delta hedging and short borrowing is going on. I'm sure market makers are doing a little somethin somethin too. Need a lil influx of buy pressure, we gotta get that inverse head and shoulders going my peeps! NO DROP NOVEMBER
commented on
$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$
It is time, but remember, no expectations! November and December are shaping up to be juicy months though. 😎
It is time, but remember, no expectations! November and December are shaping up to be juicy months though. 😎

$Life Time (LTH.US)$ New trend line confirmed? Higher lows with 3 touch points now on the 5 min chart
$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ Just setting up an inverse head and shoulders. so, thanks I guess lmao
$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ Do they realize those end of day short attacks don't work anymore? Lol I guess they haven't gotten the message yet. Maybe it works for options traders but eventually they'll get it
$Bitcoin (BTC.CC)$ Who tf keeps trying to short something that's 60k with an end of year price prediction by literally everyone of 100k+? I don't get it
71783313 : and click the buy button with the other hand lmao