71823284 slippery : In mine timezone it will be 20:00h in 5 minutes. do you mean to sell in 5 minutes when you say "sell by 8".
71823284 AmyNic OP : So that's in 6 hours?
71823284 AmyNic OP : Thnx, unfortunately I can't trade in pre- or post market
71823284 : I hope our patience gets rewarded.
71823284 71086900 : What would cause the flip?
71823284 : Is this stock manipulated as well?
71823284 slippery : Was that such a weird question, 70+% of the stocks is hold by institutions.
71823284 : Too soon
71823284 : What signs do you see?
71823284 AmyNic OP : What chart do u see it in, 1h?
71823284 AmyNic OP : Thnx, didn't know that pattern before.
71823284 : What does that mean for the stock?
71823284 AmyNic OP : You mean this stock is for sale
71823284 AmyNic OP : Buy low, sell high.
71823284 slippery : In mine timezone it will be 20:00h in 5 minutes. do you mean to sell in 5 minutes when you say "sell by 8".
71823284 AmyNic OP : So that's in 6 hours?
71823284 AmyNic OP : Thnx, unfortunately I can't trade in pre- or post market