$SPY 250321 545.00P$
Harris is going to stop the strike the S&P will spike to new all time high, Trump wins wall street retaliation drives S&P 500 below 525 by January, short call, long put
Harris is going to stop the strike the S&P will spike to new all time high, Trump wins wall street retaliation drives S&P 500 below 525 by January, short call, long put
$Hycroft Mining (HYMC.US)$
Enjoy the opportunity to buy and accumulate shares till 2nd Quarter 2025, have patience, this too will pay in the end.
Gold $3,000 by the end of 2024
Manufacturing restarts at the end of 2025, Silver $50.00 per oz
HYMC fully in production in 2026
HYMC trades $50.00 per share in line with Silver.
2027 HYMC $75.00 + dividend
Enjoy the opportunity to buy and accumulate shares till 2nd Quarter 2025, have patience, this too will pay in the end.
Gold $3,000 by the end of 2024
Manufacturing restarts at the end of 2025, Silver $50.00 per oz
HYMC fully in production in 2026
HYMC trades $50.00 per share in line with Silver.
2027 HYMC $75.00 + dividend
$AMC Preferred Equity Unit (APE.US)$ Almost to 10,000 shares combined, been buying with spare cash for 2 years, investing requires an Action Plan.
A dream without a Action Plan is a Pipe Dream, HODL
A dream without a Action Plan is a Pipe Dream, HODL
I made a bet with a friend of mine today, I bet a 1 oz bar of gold, if the DOW is under 28,000 anytime between Nov 1st and now I win, what do you think?

Vibranium Hands OP : Understand XRP will be a long term investment, it will build over the next year, around July 4th 2026 XRP BEING backed by gold will be the final answer in global commerce, sleep well keep buying there are more XRP to be released, accumulate and hold, on or about the 250th anniversary of the United States is going to see the debit driven economy die.