And a STB is something I wouldn't mind wearing on my shirt. #getthatgoal


Need a little help if possible?
#getthatgoal #moomoomoney #moo #feellikeimmilkingit #moomoo
#getthatgoal #moomoomoney #moo #feellikeimmilkingit #moomoo

Get top knowledge here! If this was Star(Wars) Institutions they would be the Jedi. #getthatgoal #moomoomoney #moo
I wouldn't Trade the experience I am getting here for anything. MooMoo makes me feel like I'm MooMoovin on up in the world! With the knowledge I gain here I could actually make my dreams, my goals, a reality. Thank You for Everything You do for us, from beginners like me to big winners like who I hope to be. And Lord willing with this App...I really could...
#thankmoo #getthatgoal
#thankmoo #getthatgoal
I'm Banking on this working! #bank4bucks #getthatgoal #moo #moomoo #moomoomoney
Thank you, Thank you,
Ahh wow, I uh, I wasn't expecting this. I don't know where to start umm. I guess 1st & foremost I'd like to thank MooMoo who without them none of this would be possible. I wouldn't trade you for anything....well maybe some of that Microsoft Stock, Right! Am I Right! I'd also like to thank everybody who read this far into my post, because my bad humor is only here & known because of you. So Thank You! Give yourselves a hand ✋ Thanks Again for having st...
Ahh wow, I uh, I wasn't expecting this. I don't know where to start umm. I guess 1st & foremost I'd like to thank MooMoo who without them none of this would be possible. I wouldn't trade you for anything....well maybe some of that Microsoft Stock, Right! Am I Right! I'd also like to thank everybody who read this far into my post, because my bad humor is only here & known because of you. So Thank You! Give yourselves a hand ✋ Thanks Again for having st...

$ContextLogic (WISH.US)$
My goal is->
Learn what I need, to get §#îţ done,
For me to succeed, and get them funds! #bit #justabit #bit(coin)ofluck #getthatgoal
My goal is->
Learn what I need, to get §#îţ done,
For me to succeed, and get them funds! #bit #justabit #bit(coin)ofluck #getthatgoal
My goal for this coming year is to learn the basics of trading stocks & cryptocurrency or as I like to call it, CryCurre, because I'm hoping it will cure my cry for financial freedom. I will not lie to you as I will not lie to myself. I want to be rich! Not secure or financially safe or have enough to retire. No. I want to be wealthy & have my family 300 years from now be free from the restraints of money worries as we all should be. I don't want to keep making just enough...