I have adjusted the portfolio,$測試組合$Details of the adjustment are as follows:
$Apple (AAPL.US)$0% -> 20%
$China First Heavy Industries (601106.SH)$0% -> 10%
$Apple (AAPL.US)$0% -> 20%
$China First Heavy Industries (601106.SH)$0% -> 10%
I created the combination,$測試組合$The industry distribution is as follows, welcome attention Oh!
Machinery Equipment:20%
Calculator: 10%
Internet and Media: 30%
Car: 20%
Non-silver Finance: 10%
Food & Beverage: 10%
Machinery Equipment:20%
Calculator: 10%
Internet and Media: 30%
Car: 20%
Non-silver Finance: 10%
Food & Beverage: 10%
I created the combination,$test$The industry distribution is as follows, welcome attention Oh!
Calculator: 45%
Internet and Media: 15%
Other: 10%
Non-silver finance: 30%
Calculator: 45%
Internet and Media: 15%
Other: 10%
Non-silver finance: 30%