$Tesla (TSLA.US)$
Have a good weekend
The size of this world depends on the people you know. Every time you meet someone with a broader vision, the world will become a little bigger for you.
The world is only as big as the people you know, and every time you meet someone whose eyes are wider, the world seems a little bigger to you.
For a technical player who rules the world with a ruler, the chart tells us everything. It is crucial to carefully and accurately interpret all the information contained in the chart, including the precise interpretation of the psychological activities behind candlestick combination patterns.
There are many sophisticated people in the world, and there are also many interesting people, but those who are both sophisticated and interesting are few and far between. Sophisticated people command respect, interesting people are likable, and those who are both sophisticated and interesting inspire respect without fear, familiarity without disrespect. The longer the interaction, the richer the fragrance. Elegance is a difficult thing. More difficult than restraint. More difficult than being reckless. Restraint can be feigned. Being reckless is easier. But elegance is not. Elegance requires temperament. It requires experience. It requires years of accumulation. It requires that sense of composure and light-heartedness. Trouble yourself, maintain kindness. Trouble yourself, continue to progress. Trouble yourself, remember the goodness of others...
Have a good weekend
The size of this world depends on the people you know. Every time you meet someone with a broader vision, the world will become a little bigger for you.
The world is only as big as the people you know, and every time you meet someone whose eyes are wider, the world seems a little bigger to you.
For a technical player who rules the world with a ruler, the chart tells us everything. It is crucial to carefully and accurately interpret all the information contained in the chart, including the precise interpretation of the psychological activities behind candlestick combination patterns.
There are many sophisticated people in the world, and there are also many interesting people, but those who are both sophisticated and interesting are few and far between. Sophisticated people command respect, interesting people are likable, and those who are both sophisticated and interesting inspire respect without fear, familiarity without disrespect. The longer the interaction, the richer the fragrance. Elegance is a difficult thing. More difficult than restraint. More difficult than being reckless. Restraint can be feigned. Being reckless is easier. But elegance is not. Elegance requires temperament. It requires experience. It requires years of accumulation. It requires that sense of composure and light-heartedness. Trouble yourself, maintain kindness. Trouble yourself, continue to progress. Trouble yourself, remember the goodness of others...
reacted to
$Tesla (TSLA.US)$ made bank on overnight calls. Grabbing my first put here, monthly in the money. Have a great weekend all!
$Tesla (TSLA.US)$ Oct last year at $4.00. hummm. not n0 financial adviser. remember always place stop lose. or trailing stop lose. be careful. buy the dip sell the high. don't fall in love [Heart]with the stock. buy sell buy sell. now l if the world doesn't 🌎 end. let's make some money next. week. . and dont forget to help the homeless. that need a pair of socks or. gloves or a .99 hat. going to be a cold winter. whatever God place on your ❤️ to l9ve every one. w...