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$Allianz Income and Growth MDis (LU0943347566.MF)$
Below is the detailed analysis of “Allianz Income and Growth fund”performance, focusing on its dividend yield, investment composition, and potential risks and returns. Here's a breakdown of the key points:
Name and Performance: The fund is known for high dividend yield. However, it's noted that despite being named for both "income" and "growth," the fund's net asset value (NAV) has not appreciated since its launch in...
Below is the detailed analysis of “Allianz Income and Growth fund”performance, focusing on its dividend yield, investment composition, and potential risks and returns. Here's a breakdown of the key points:
Name and Performance: The fund is known for high dividend yield. However, it's noted that despite being named for both "income" and "growth," the fund's net asset value (NAV) has not appreciated since its launch in...
72464866 : you are right not growth only income
72464866 : As it good time now to buy bond based product do you suggest any good funds . Kindly help as am planning to close my investment in Allianz funds coz I don’t see much growth in NAV
72464866 : I am planning for 10 to 15 k usd. For coming 4 to 5 years period . As US market can get corrected in coming year. Which can be a good option . Also if I do a sip like the Allianz I come and growth is there better option with nav growth also in addition to income. Thanks for your reply
72464866 : Thank Al lot for all your prompt replies. Let me check I am able to buy pimco gis through my broker. Am planning to shift some money from Allianz . What is your thoughts on SPYI and TLT etf. Is it better bet than Allianz income
72464866 : I this the pimco gis you mentioned