Luckynumber OP Fredo in the cut : i already had sime calls when it dropped to below 591. but definitely would add a few more if it does. also, the 15’ candles looked like up
Luckynumber OP : if it fail to hold 590, im out my call for a tiny loss.
Luckynumber OP : if it goes to 599, i will cash out my calls today for spy
Luckynumber opshuns55 : its a gap there
Luckynumber OP : also, pltr put is very juicy
Luckynumber OP Ultratech : of course i sold 3/4 of it . i will fill the gap
Luckynumber OP jhays :
Luckynumber : I believe too that we will get the new high, but just play it day by day
Luckynumber OP : i saw it could go to 602 today, but im taking my chance to put and swing. small position.
Luckynumber OP Ultratech : lol…you dont need to read my post
Luckynumber OP : im out at 36%. that was fun for a few mins