$MAGNIS ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES LTD (MNSEF.US)$ WTF! People are making big money on this! But Nothing in Comments!
Tesla is Way More than just EV production! Energy! Batterys! Mega Pacs! $Tesla (TSLA.US)$15,000 homes! FSD Software! PI Phone! etc etc
The New TCN is gonna be Massive for getting real Journalism back to Media! The Nazi MSM will lose control of many feeble minded. Honest News will make Billions! thats what ghd people are Screaming For.
This is a joke? Right! No one can believe highest Inflation in 50 years is good! It All started after finally becoming Energy Independent (per President Trumps Huge Efforts) the new guy repealed ALL the Advances that Trump worked so hard to achieve were Destroyed! which immediately put the cost of all consumer products spiralling upward! and continue to rise. All goods are trucked to retailers! Bonehead move? Canceling pipelines in U.S. but Allowing Russias Pipeline to finish! Whild Thd Trimp ...
How Happy can Big Oil be? After getting Biden in power. Their donations to get him in have given THEM ALL the Biggest OIL profits in history! They produced Less Oil and make double the Profit! Big Oil LIVES this Biden. He Us Perfect for huge Oil Profits!
after economy was totally trashed in 2020 by horrible cancelling of Energy Independent status by Current Administration! Are they using that slight improvement over the WORST year in 50 years as something to be proud of??? That move alone gave us 20% Biden Inflation! The previous Trump Administration had Oil at $40 a barrel for four years! We NEED a return to that Administrations policys to start any celebration.
Mr. Buffet, why in your stubborness failing to Invest Bug Money in Tesla? Don’t let your Left Wing Friends determine your future profits! Rven your Mentor Praised Elons Business Accomplisments! Tesla us s behemoth Money Making Company. Yet WE See apparnt Jealousy or Fear of reprisal dictate your financial Future! Bizarre?
$Meta Platforms (META.US)$ Not sure on this?
$Digital World Acquisition Corp (DWAC.US)$ Time yo load up Again ! Rumor is Trump will even be announcing his ties to Phun and DWAC merger that the corrupt SEC is taking forever to Approve! Lawsuits to follow if Not Approved soon!
$Taiwan Semiconductor (TSM.US)$ How many millions of shares of Tesla did Gumball George Soros Buy recently?
72734102 OP : The CEO has bought a few Million Shares per Barton’s Report! What gives?