$UnitedHealth (UNH.US)$ should be on its way to the bottom, short it to hell and send the new CEO there too!
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$Cango (CANG.US)$ so what day do I have to be in by to get the dividend?
I started investing in the middle of October of this year. I chose the MooMoo platform for a variety of reasons and I'm very glad that I did. Having to learn more or less on my own and reading the material only when I had time made things very frustrating and a little defeating. I have found a few quality stocks(they may be on the lower end but I've been working with what I can) that I've done well in( $Terran Orbital(Delisted) (LLAP.US)$ , $Canopy Growth (CGC.US)$ ). However my setbacks were...
Its been a bit rough outside the trading world for me for the past few months and appreciating little things that help you get though is sometimes necessary...this little guy showed up today that I won in the lottery spin, made my day.